15 Best Plants for Bathrooms with No Windows to Create a Tropical Bathroom!

Adding plants to your bathroom can be a wonderful way to enhance its aesthetics while reaping the benefits of cleaner air and a touch of nature. Bathrooms, especially those with no windows, may seem challenging for plants due to their lack of natural light. However, certain plant species are well-suited to thrive in these low-light, humid spaces.

This article explores 15 of the best plants for bathrooms with no windows, their care tips, and how you can stylishly incorporate them into your bathroom decor. Whether you’re a plant enthusiast or want to add some greenery to your bathroom, these options are perfect.

Understanding Low-Light Plants for Bathrooms

Explanation of Light Conditions in a Bathroom with No Windows

Bathrooms with no windows create a unique challenge for plants due to the lack of natural light. Plants need light for photosynthesis, the process by which they produce energy. Plants struggle to generate enough energy in low-light environments, leading to slower growth, smaller leaves, or even plant death if light is insufficient.

Bathrooms with no windows typically rely on artificial light, which often doesn’t provide the same quality or intensity of light as sunlight. However, many plants have adapted to thrive in low-light conditions and can do well with minimal or indirect lighting.

Plant Adaptations for Low-Light

Some plants are naturally suited to low-light environments because they come from tropical regions where they grow under the dense canopy of larger plants and trees. These plants have evolved to make the most out of the limited light that filters through.

Many low-light plants also have large, dark green leaves, which allow them to capture as much light as possible. Additionally, these plants tend to thrive in humid environments, making them ideal for bathrooms where moisture is abundant.

Artificial Lighting for Bathroom Plants

To support plant growth in a windowless bathroom, artificial lighting can be highly effective. Fluorescent bulbs and LED grow lights mimic natural sunlight and provide the necessary light spectrum for photosynthesis.

Position grow lights near the plants or use overhead lighting to simulate indirect sunlight. Running these lights for 8-12 hours a day can help ensure that your bathroom plants remain healthy, even without access to natural light.

15 Best Plants for Bathrooms with No Windows

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Overview: The snake plant, also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue, is one of the hardest indoor plants. It can survive almost anywhere and is a perfect fit for windowless bathrooms.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: It tolerates low light and thrives in humid conditions, making it ideal for a bathroom with no windows. Plus, it is known for its air-purifying properties, removing toxins like formaldehyde.

Care Tips: Water sparingly, as snake plants don’t like to sit in water. Allow the soil to dry out completely between watering.

Bonus Tip: Place it in a decorative pot on the floor or a countertop to give your bathroom a modern, minimalist vibe.

2. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

zz plant (zamioculcas zamiifolia)

Overview: Known for its waxy, glossy leaves, the ZZ plant is incredibly resilient and low-maintenance.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: It tolerates low light and high humidity, making it perfect for low-light bathrooms.

Care Tips: ZZ plants require infrequent watering. Water only when the top layer of soil is completely dry.

Bonus Tip: Display your ZZ plant on a shelf or in a hanging planter to add a pop of greenery to your bathroom decor.

3. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

pothos (epipremnum aureum)

Overview: Pothos is a versatile trailing plant that is beloved for its vibrant, heart-shaped leaves.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: It’s one of the best plants for low light and can even thrive under fluorescent lighting, making it perfect for a windowless bathroom.

Care Tips: Water when the soil feels dry to the touch. It’s also helpful to mist the leaves occasionally to maintain humidity levels.

Bonus Tip: Let the vines trail down from a high shelf or hang it in a corner for a cascading, lush look.

4. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Overview: Known for its graceful white blooms, the peace lily is an elegant addition to any space.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: Peace lilies thrive in low-light conditions and enjoy the humidity that a bathroom offers.

Care Tips: Water regularly, but avoid waterlogging. Peace lilies are sensitive to overwatering, so ensure the soil has good drainage.

Bonus Tip: Place it on a windowsill or bathroom counter for an elegant and serene touch.

5. Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior)

Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior)

Overview: True to its name, the cast iron plant is almost indestructible, capable of surviving in the toughest conditions.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: This plant thrives in low light and can handle the humidity that comes with a bathroom setting.

Care Tips: Water when the top inch of soil is dry, and avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

Bonus Tip: The dark green, broad leaves of the cast iron plant make it an excellent statement piece in any bathroom corner.

6. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

spider plant (chlorophytum comosum)

Overview: With its narrow, arching leaves and the occasional small white flowers, the spider plant is a great addition to any bathroom.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: It’s highly adaptable and can tolerate low-light conditions. The humidity in a bathroom also helps it thrive.

Care Tips: Water regularly and mist the plant occasionally to maintain humidity.

Bonus Tip: Place your spider plant in a hanging basket or let it spill over a shelf for a lively touch.

7. Bird’s Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus)

Bird’s Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus)

Overview: With its bright green, crinkly leaves, the bird’s nest fern adds texture and interest to a bathroom space.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: This plant thrives in moist, low-light environments, making it a perfect fit for bathrooms with no windows.

Care Tips: Water when the top inch of soil feels dry and ensure good humidity levels by misting the leaves regularly.

Bonus Tip: The bird’s nest fern looks great on a shelf or hanging planter, where its curly fronds can cascade down.

8. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

Overview: Chinese evergreen plants are known for their colorful, variegated leaves and tolerance to low light.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: This hardy plant thrives in low light and doesn’t require much attention, making it ideal for low-maintenance bathroom greenery.

Care Tips: Water sparingly and allow the soil to dry between waterings to prevent root rot.

Bonus Tip: Use Chinese evergreens to add a splash of color to your bathroom. They come in a variety of colors, including red, pink, and white.

9. Philodendron


Overview: Philodendrons are classic indoor plants that are easy to grow and maintain, with their beautiful trailing or upright leaves.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: It’s tolerant of low-light conditions and thrives in humid environments, making it an excellent choice for bathrooms.

Care Tips: Water when the soil is dry to the touch. Be careful not to overwater, as philodendrons don’t like soggy soil.

Bonus Tip: Consider placing a trailing philodendron on a high shelf or allowing it to climb a trellis in your bathroom.

10. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

boston fern (nephrolepis exaltata)

Overview: Boston ferns are lush, green plants that add softness and volume to any space.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: These ferns love the moisture and humidity of a bathroom, even without natural light.

Care Tips: Keep the soil consistently moist, but not soggy. Regular misting helps maintain the humidity levels they crave.

Bonus Tip: Hang Boston ferns in a macrame hanger to save space while adding greenery.

11. Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum)

Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum)

Overview: With its heart-shaped, glossy leaves, this philodendron adds a touch of warmth to your bathroom.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: Its ability to tolerate low light makes it an ideal candidate for windowless bathrooms.

Care Tips: Keep the soil slightly moist but never waterlogged.

Bonus Tip: Train its vines to climb around mirrors or along shelves for an indoor jungle vibe.

12. Dracaena


Overview: Dracaena plants are known for their long, spiky leaves and can grow quite tall, making them perfect statement plants.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: Dracaenas are well-suited to low-light conditions and thrive in moist environments.

Care Tips: Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

Bonus Tip: Place a tall dracaena in a corner of your bathroom to add a touch of drama and greenery.

13. Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum)

Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum)

Overview: Maidenhair ferns are delicate, with their light, feathery fronds that bring a soft texture to any room.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: They thrive in humid, moist environments and do well in low light.

Care Tips: Keep the soil consistently moist and mist the fronds regularly.

Bonus Tip: Place maidenhair ferns in a decorative pot on a windowsill or shelf for a touch of elegance.

14. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

English Ivy (Hedera helix)

Overview: English ivy is a classic trailing plant that adds timeless beauty to indoor spaces.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: It grows well in low light and loves humid conditions, making it perfect for bathrooms.

Care Tips: Water when the soil feels dry and allow the vines to trail naturally.

Bonus Tip: Use English ivy to create a living wall or let it cascade from a hanging planter.

15. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Overview: Aloe vera is not only a popular medicinal plant, but it’s also a stylish addition to a bathroom.

Why It Works in Bathrooms: Aloe vera is quite tolerant of low light, though it prefers brighter spots. It enjoys the humidity in a bathroom.

Care Tips: Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings, as aloe prefers dry conditions.

Bonus Tip: Keep an aloe plant near your sink for easy access to its soothing gel for minor burns or skin care.

How to Care for Plants in a Windowless Bathroom?

Watering and Humidity Needs: The natural humidity in a bathroom can be beneficial to many plants, especially those that are prone to drying out quickly. However, you’ll need to be cautious with overwatering, as too much moisture can lead to root rot. Always check the soil moisture before watering.

Fertilization: Plants in low-light environments typically don’t require as much fertilizer as those in brighter areas. You can fertilize them lightly during their growing season, but avoid over-fertilizing, as this can harm the plant.

Pest Control: Bathrooms can be prone to mold and mildew, especially in humid conditions. To prevent this, ensure proper ventilation or use a fan to reduce excess moisture. Regularly inspect plants for signs of pests like spider mites or fungus gnats, and treat infestations promptly.

Design Tips for Bathroom Plant Placement

Maximizing Space: Consider using shelves, hanging baskets, or even window ledges (if applicable) to display your plants. Maximize vertical space by using hanging planters or wall-mounted shelves.

Plant Styling Ideas: For a minimalist look, stick to simple pots in neutral colors. For a more eclectic bathroom, mix and match pots and plants with different textures and colors.

Grouping Plants: Grouping plants together can increase humidity and create a more visually impactful display. Choose a mix of trailing plants, upright plants, and small potted varieties for a dynamic arrangement.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Yellowing Leaves: If your plant’s leaves are turning yellow, it could be a sign of overwatering or poor drainage. Check the soil to ensure it’s not too soggy and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Mold and Mildew: Excess moisture in the air can lead to mold growth. Ensure your plants are not sitting in standing water and consider wiping down the leaves periodically to prevent mildew.

Lighting Problems: Even plants that tolerate low light need some light to thrive. If your plants are looking limp or losing their color, it may be a sign they need more light. Consider installing LED grow lights or moving the plants to a brighter area periodically.


Even in a windowless bathroom, you can still enjoy the beauty and benefits of houseplants. The key is choosing plants that thrive in low-light, high-humidity environments, and knowing how to care for them properly.

The 15 plants listed above are all excellent options for bathrooms without windows and can transform your space into a calming, green oasis. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or just beginning, adding greenery to your bathroom is a simple and rewarding way to enhance your living environment.

Don’t hesitate to try out a few of these plants in your bathroom, and let the transformation begin. Happy Gardening!

James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg

James Rivenburg is the founder of plantandpest.com, a passionate gardener with valuable experience and knowledge gained through trial and error. The website has a large community of followers who trust his tips and techniques and have succeeded with his advice. He is always Committed to helping others create a beautiful and healthy garden.

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