Limelight Hydrangea plants are known for their beautiful clusters of flowers that bloom in a variety of colors. However, sometimes the leaves of hydrangea plants can turn yellow, which is a cause of concern for any gardeners. Yellowing leaves can be a sign of several different issues, including nutrient deficiencies, Improper Watering, Excess Wind, Pest Infestations, and Pruning Mistakes.
But don’t worry. In this article, I will tell you various reasons why your limelight hydrangea leaves may turn yellow and discuss how to fix these issues and keep your plants healthy and thriving.
How to Fix Limelight Hydrangea Yellow Leaves – 5 Proven Ways
1. Lack of Nutrients
Chlorosis is the most common cause of yellowing hydrangea leaves. It occurs due to a deficiency of nitrogen, iron, and magnesium. If your plant does not receive proper nutrient support during the growing season, it may show leaf discoloration.
When there is a shortage of nitrogen in your plant, the process of photosynthesis is disrupted. As a result, the leaves fail to produce food and the cells start dying. After a few days, the normal color of the leaves fades and starts turning yellow and fading.
Iron deficiency is usually caused by high soil pH and poor drainage systems. As a result, the leaves turn yellow, the pre-mature leaves fall off and the normal growth of the plant is disrupted. Magnesium chlorosis also shows similar symptoms as iron. Additionally, in this case, the growth of the flower stops.
Fixing Guide
To keep your hydrangeas healthy and encourage strong growth it’s important to fertilize them at the right time. A well-balanced fertilizer with a ratio of equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) is effective. In that case, a moderate (10-10-10 or 20-20-20) ratio is effective.
Limelight hydrangea’s growing season is basically from spring to fall. During this time you have to apply fertilizer to the plant once a month. Avoid fertilizing during the winter period, as they are dormant during this time.
You must follow the instructions on the label for the proper amount to use, as this can vary based on the type of fertilizer you’re using and the size of your hydrangea plants. Keep your plant hydrated before and after fertilizing.
You can add organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to the soil around your limelight hydrangeas to provide additional nutrients.
2. Improper Watering
One of the most common symptoms of improper watering in limelight hydrangeas is yellowing or browning of the leaves. If the soil is too dry, the leaves may turn yellow and then brown and even can die off.
Prolonged dehydration impairs the normal functioning of your plant. As a result, the leaves become crispy and begin to curl due to the lack of sufficient moisture in the leaves. During this time the normal color of the leaves changes to yellow.
Additionally, your limelight hydrangea plants show wilting symptoms due to lack of water. When the soil is too dry, the plant’s leaves will droop and wilt, and the stems may become brittle and snap easily.
Fixing Guide
To properly water a limelight hydrangea plant you have to check the soil moisture level regularly. A good way to do this is to stick your finger about an inch into the soil. If the soil is dry at that depth, it’s time to water the plant. You can also use a moisture meter (Our Pick: SONKIR Soil pH Meter, MS02 3-in-1 Soil Moisture/Light/pH Tester)
Be sure to water the plant thoroughly, allowing the water to reach the root zone, but be careful not to overwater. Basically once or twice watering a week is enough. If you’re not sure whether the plant needs water, it’s better to use a self-watering machine (our pick: Upgraded DIY Automatic Drip Irrigation Kit)
Using tap water can damage the plant. So it is better to use filtered water when applying water. You can also apply rice rinse water to give the plants some extra nutrients.
3. Excess Wind
Excess wind can be harmful to your limelight hydrangea plants, especially if the plants are young or have not yet become fully established.
When your plant is exposed to excess air for long periods of time, it will become dehydrated very quickly, as it can evaporate moisture from the leaves and stems. This can lead to stress on the plant and can cause the leaves to wilt or turn yellow. In extreme cases, wind damage can cause the plant to die.
Fixing Guide
First of all, plant your hydrangeas in a protected location, such as near a wall or fence that can shield the plants from strong winds. Using mulch around the base of your limelight hydrangeas can help to retain moisture in the soil.
You must water the plants regularly, especially during dry or windy weather, to keep the soil moist and reduce stress on the plants. If a branch is damaged by wind, support it by using a stick. Take special care of affected plants for a few days.
4. Pests and Diseases
Aphids and slugs are mainly responsible for limelight hydrangea leaves turning yellow. Aphids are small sap-sucking insects. They mainly attack the leaves causing yellow spots and holes in the leaves. You always found them on the new growth. Slugs do the same damage.
Also, fungal attacks can cause leaf spot disease on your hydrangea plants, which causes yellow or brown spots on the leaves. Sometimes it can be tough to detect the attack. Symptoms usually appear one to two weeks after the plant is infected. However, early stages can be identified by holes in the leaves, white coating, etc.
Fixing Guide
Make sure your limelight hydrangea is getting enough water and sunlight, and avoid overwatering or overfertilizing. You must remove any infected leaves or stems, and keep the area around your hydrangea free of debris.
If the leaf spots are caused by a fungal infection, use a good-quality fungicide according to the manufacturer’s instructions. In that case, copper-based fungicides can be a good choice. Using mulch can also help to reduce the risk of fungal infections.
5. Pruning Mistakes
When no major issue is responsible for the yellowing of your hydrangea plant’s leaves, Then you also have to think about pruning mistakes. Pruning at the wrong time and in the wrong way can damage your plant.
If you over-prune the plant in the cold, it will not be able to protect itself from the heavy wind. As a result, the affected leaves will turn yellow.
Again, excessive pruning will damage the healthy branches of the plant. If you don’t take care of it and leave it like this for a long time, your plant will have problems like yellowing, browning, and even dropping of leaves.
Fixing Guide
Hydrangeas should be pruned at different times depending on the type of plant and the climate in which it is grown. Late summer to early fall is the best time for pruning hydrangea.
Your plant can only be over-pruned if it is overgrown. Usually, 1/3 pruning is enough to give the plant a proper shape. Besides, the damaged branches which will not recover should be pruned.
After pruning, it is important to properly care for the plant by watering and fertilizing it to recover. Neglecting can cause further stress to the plant. Pruning equipment should be thoroughly washed with disinfectant. Care should be taken not to prune new leaves or branches in excess pruning.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How Often Do You Water Limelight Hydrangeas?
In general, depending on the weather and soil conditions, it is preferable to water limelight hydrangeas once or twice a week. It is important to maintain the soil continuously moist but not soggy.
Should I Deadhead Limelight Hydrangea?
Deadheading causes plants to stop producing seeds and put their energy into root and leaf development. This makes the plants stronger and healthier, so deadheading is very effective for your limelight hydrangeas.
How Do You Keep Limelight Hydrangeas Green?
Plant your hydrangea in well-draining soil in a location that receives morning sun and afternoon shade, Water it regularly, Apply a layer of mulch, Fertilise your plant every few weeks during the growing season, Prune it in late winter or early spring and keep an eye out for pests.
The yellowing of your Limelight Hydrangea plant’s foliage is often the result of poor upkeep. These issues won’t ever affect the plant if the right amount of water is used, adequate sunlight is provided, fertilizer is applied on schedule, and the plant is properly cared for.
To solve any plant problem you must have an idea of the primary cause. Because finding a remedy will be quite simple for you once you are aware of the issue. I’m hoping that my article may assist you in solving the leaf yellowing issue with your limelight hydrangea plant. Happy Gardening.
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