Alocasia Stem Bending: [5 Reasons And Control Measure]

Alocasia is also called elephant ear. It is one of the best beauty enhancers for your garden. Though it is a very attractive plant it has some problems too. After adding it to your garden, if you see the stem bending it is obviously a matter of concern.

Do you know what condition makes them bent?

Lack of sunlight, water imbalance, small pot, humidity, and accidental physical damage are the main reasons for your alocasia stem bending.

Sometimes it’s quite tough to revive the plant. Right? But don’t worry. My research will give you the best remedies. So why delay?

 Optimum Requirement For Alocasia

Soil (potting:peat: perlite)5:1:1
WaterOnce a week
Temperature65-77 F
Growth3 feet (max)

 Why Alocasia Stem Bending-Solution

Bending stem of Alocasia

1. Lack of Sunlight

Sunlight is the most essential element for every plant. The plant absorbs sunlight in many ways. Alocasia is a tropical plant and likes bright light but indirect sun.

When you keep your plant in a dark place in your room for a long time, it will be dangerous for your plant. Due to lack of sunlight, alocasia shows bent stem-like symptoms.

Look at your plant very carefully. If it looks like faded leaves, yellow spots, and also bent stem-like problems then you have to take immediate action.  

Control Measure

Now, what are you thinking? Want to keep your tree in direct sunlight? Don’t do it. Alocasia doesn’t need direct sunlight.

keep your plant not only in a shaded place but also to ensure sunlight. It may be a little farther from the south or west side window of your house.

You can also buy a plant shade cloth (Our pick: Alion Home 75% Sunblock Sun Shade Plant Cover). However, protect your plant when temperatures exceed 78°F.

2. Water Imbalance

Water must be according to the plant’s demand. Less watering or too much watering can cause your alocasia stem bending.

By seeing bent stems you may think that less water is being given. But it’s not true every time. Due to Lack of watering your plants show wilting, soggy soil, dead leaf, and slow growth like symptoms.

Too much watering can cause root rot to develop and fungal infection like problems. If brown or black spots are seen on leaves then it must be for too much watering.

 Control Measure

You must be aware of watering your plants. Monitor your soil condition and water your alocasia once a week. If that is not possible for you then you can buy a self-watering machine. (Our pick: Automatic Watering System)

No need for watering during the rainy season. You can also take a moisture meter to check the water demand level of the soil (Our pick: SONKIR Soil pH Meter, MS02 3-in-1 Soil Moisture/Light/pH Tester).

Do you know Alocasia is a very sensitive plant? So before watering, water must be reserved for 24 hours in order to separate the chlorine and other elements. You can also take a water filtering system.

In addition, make sure that you have enough drainage systems for your soil container.

3. Small pot

Imagine what would happen if you were kept in a box equal to your body and had no extra space.

The same will happen if you plant your alocasia in a small pot or container which has not had enough space. It is also a big reason for stem bending.

A small pot contains a small space where your plant is not getting much nutrients from the soil for growing.

As a result, it can’t produce much food for body mechanisms. No new leaves are grown, stems didn’t get the essential elements, and due to lack of nutrients, it bends.

Control Measure

First, you have to ensure a perfect pot according to your plant’s size. Then soiling on it very carefully. Alocasia prefers slightly acidic soil. You have to maintain the ratio when soiling.

The soil must contain 25% Fir Bark, 25% Perlite, 30% Coconut Coir, 10% Horticultural Charcoal, and 10% Worm Castings. If you aren’t able to make it, you may buy readymade soil from the market. (our pick: Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix)

After ensuring the soil ratio you have to fill the pot with soil and then plant your alocasia.

You can also add compost to increase your soil conditions. And I have a secret recipe only for you.

#Recipe 1: Compost Making Recipe


  1. A container.
  2. Plants leaf.
  3. Fruit peeling.
  4. Kitchen scraps.
  5. Newspapers.
  6. Egg shells, etc.


  1. Choose a 4-11 lit capacity container.
  2. Make some small holes in it to circulate oxygen.
  3. Make a layer of soil on the container.
  4. Add all the organic scraps to it.
  5. Add some newspaper or cardboard for nitrogen-carbon balancing to create a good environment for bacteria.
  6. Keep the mixture for one week and notice the moisture level.
  7. After one week, use the compost on your plants’ soil.

4. Humidity

At Least 60% humidity level is needed for your alocasia. But it would prefer 70% also. Humidity conditions also play a major role for your alocasia stem bending.

 Control Measure

Place the plant container on a tray of pebbles. Then water in it and check if the lined tray catches and retains the water or not. As the water evaporates around the plant, it creates a lot of humidity.

You can also fill a spray bottle up with normal temperature water and spray those on plants once or twice weekly. Keep doing it until your plant does not revive.

Your bathroom also has adequate light for the proper growth of your plants.

 5. Physical Damage

Neglecting your alocasia while taking care of other plants. Because most of the common reasons for alocasia stem bend is accidental physical damage.

Sometimes alocasia is injured by children and pets. Or the sudden fall of a heavy object on it.

This can also happen inadvertently during watering and repotting.

 Control Measure

If the reason is physical damage then you have actually nothing to do. Observe it very carefully. If the injured stem is washed out then cut it and take care of your plant.

Note: Sometimes repotting can cause alocasia stem bending. If these happen, then wait and observe. It’s just fixed on its own.

How To Care For Alocasia [Quick Tips]

Alocasia on water pot

  1. Ensure optimum light conditions for your plants.
  2. Watering habits can be varied during the rainy and winter season. So be careful of it.
  3. Don’t keep your plant inside the AC room.
  4. During winter make sure of the perfect temperature for your plants.
  5. Do not use excess fertilizer.
  6. Rotate the pot after watering it every time.
  7. When root increases repotting must be required.
  8. Propagate your plant in due time.
  9. Be careful about mealybugs and spider mites like pests.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Alocasia Toxic?

Yes. Alocasia stems and leaves contain excess levels of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals and can cause intense pain and swelling. Keep away from children and pets.

Is It Normal For Alocasia To drop?

Drooping leaves in alocasia is a very common problem. But it can be prevented easily. The main reasons for this problem are over-watering and less watering.

Do Alocasia Blooming Flowers?

Alocasia rarely flowers. Perhaps they are not popular for flowers. They are commonly known for their beautiful foliage.


When you see your alocasia (alocasia zebrina, alocasia Polly, alocasia sarian) stems bend, you must follow the article and try to understand what your plant is trying to tell you.

Taking regular care can protect your plant from the factors mentioned.

I hope my research will help to revive your loving Alocasia. Happy gardening.

James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg

James Rivenburg is the founder of, a passionate gardener with valuable experience and knowledge gained through trial and error. The website has a large community of followers who trust his tips and techniques and have succeeded with his advice. He is always Committed to helping others create a beautiful and healthy garden.

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