Houseplants must include anthurium because of their vibrant and beautiful red and pink. Their finger-like flowers alleviate its look a hundred times. These Plants are popular because they are easy to grow and most importantly for their resistant properties.
Yet, ‘why Anthurium Spadix turning brown’ is a common question from the plant owners. Well, the browning of leaves and stems is a common problem of anthurium plants also known as Flamingo Lily or Laceleaf.
However, there could be many reasons that might cause the plant to develop brown spots. However, leaf blight is the main reason among all. Other reasons include sunburn, nutrient deficiency, other fungal and bacterial diseases, pest attacks, weather problems, and others.
Now that your anthurium plant is already suffering and you are looking for the reasons and treatment, follow our guide till the last.
Anthurium Spadix Browning-Quick Fixing Guide
Reason | Fixing Guide |
Leaf blight | Destroy debris and affected leaves |
Sunburn | Keep the plant away from direct sunlight |
Nutrient deficiency | Balanced fertilizer |
Pest attack | Pesticide and homemade remedies |
Fungal disease | Fungicide and avoid overhead watering |
Wrong environment and soil | Amend the soil and ensure favorable weather for plants |
Aging of plant | Keep the plant always clean |
Why Your Anthurium Spadix Turning Brown-Treatment
1. Leaf Blight of Plant
As we have already mentioned leaf blight is the most common reason why the plant leaves are developing brown spots. It is basically a bacterial disease that attacks the leaves first. Starting from the edge of the leaves the bacteria keep destroying the whole leaf turning it dark brown in color.
Leaf blight forms V-shaped yellow lesions on the surface and aging it deforms the leaves. Sometimes you will also notice small guttation droplets or sap droplets on the leaf surface where the bacteria made its entrance.
Well, leaf blight can cause many things. Warm temperatures at night time with high humidity are favorable conditions for the bacteria to take over the plant.
Again, if the soil of your potted anthurium is still wet from the previous watering then of course you yourself have invited the disease. The bacteria take amino acids from the liquid as their food and invade the leaves.
Moreover, bacteria can also make their way if there are pores or wounds in the leaves due to pruning or other intercultural operations.
Once, the bacteria manage to invade the leaves of anthurium spadix, they multiply and spread throughout the whole plant in no time.
At first, the leaves of your anthurium plant show yellow spots. Gradually the signs get brown and way darker. In the end, the leaves wilt, and the plant dies, since the bacteria have already made their way into the vascular system.
- Yellow lesions and necrotic brown spots
- Bronze appearance
- Forms sap droplets
- Faded and deformed leaves and flowers
Control Measure
- To avoid the spread of leaf blight disease, collect the affected leaves and destroy them as soon as you see the symptoms.
- Do not cut the affected leaves with shears. It will only spread the disease. Rather break the petioles near the blade of the leaves.
- Also, do not wet the leaves of your anthurium while watering. Better use drip irrigation by watering the plants with ice cubes near the soil. This way the leaves are safe from getting wet.
- Try to plant a resistant variety or seed of anthurium spadix.
- Never run intercultural operations on your anthurium plant with wet tools. Sterilize the tools before using them.
- Ensure proper air circulation around your plants and a humidity of 70-80%.
However, if your anthurium spadix is infected by the bacteria systematically then there are very few chances that the plant will finally survive. But if it is just the foliar infection then the plant will live.
2. Sunburn
Anthurium spadix is a tropical houseplant. They act adversely if they are too exposed to the sun. The plants thrive best when there is not any direct sunlight. Their leaves easily get burned if exposed to direct sunlight for a longer period.
They show it by browning their leaves. Certainly, this is a problem and sunburn is one of the reasons why your anthuriums are turning brown.
However, keeping your anthurium near a south-facing windrow might be too harsh since the sunlight enters directly. Again, keeping the plant near the north-facing window will be too dark for the plant.
- Brown and shriveled leaves
- Burned tip of brunches
- Dead tissue
Control Measure
- Keep your potted anthurium spadix somewhere in your home where the spot is less sunny.
- Or, use a translucent curtain to block the direct sunlight.
- Never let your anthurium be dehydrated.
3. Nutrient Deficiency
Nutrient deficiency causes many problems to plants including browning. Anthurium spadix cannot escape this as well. Nutrient deficiency also starts showing symptoms with yellowing of the edge of the anthurium leaves.
For proper thriving and blooming anthurium spadix requires a balanced amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. However, the main reason why the anthurium leaves develop brown spots on them is because of phosphorus deficiency.
- Yellow and brown spots on leaves
- Shortened internodes
- Drooping short stems
- Deformed leaves
- Reduced growth rate
- The abnormal coloration of leaves
Control Measure
- Initially use a slow-release or controlled-release fertilizer to your anthurium spadix.
- If the leaves already have turned brown then apply fertilizer [our pick: Jack’s Classic Blossom Booster].
- Apply a balanced fertilizer that has a ratio of 10:20:10. Which means the phosphorous amount will be higher.
- During the season of active growth of your anthurium, feed the plants at least once a month.
- In the case of severe deficiency, you might need to feed your anthurium once a week.
- Try to pot with composted soil to plant your anthurium spadix plant.
However, while using liquid fertilizer make sure to dilute the components properly obviously following the instructions. Make sure you do not over-fertilize the plant.
4. Pest Attack
Pests are easily attracted to anthurium plants. They feed on the buds, flowers, and leaves of the plant and develop brown color. However, the most common pests that attack the anthurium plants are thrips, aphids, and spider mites.
Pest attacks are a common reason for creating brown spots on plant leaves. Generally, they find a place for the plants when the leaves are way dustier and the plant has poor hygiene.
These pests eat up all the nutrients that were supposed to work for the plants. Hence, the leaves start yellowing.
Again, spider mites create brown stripes on the leaf surface. However, pest attacks can be controlled if you notice the symptoms earlier.
- Stunted growth
- Brown spots and strips
- Masses of pests beneath leaf surface
Control Measure
- Handpick the pests and destroy them.
- Or, apply a jet of water over the insects.
- Welcome beneficial insects to pay a visit to your anthurium.
- You can also use commercial pesticides for controlling pest attacks (our pick: Natria 706250A Neem Oil Spray)
- Again, you can follow some homemade remedies like,
- Applying Oil Spray
– Take vegetable oil and mild liquid soap. Take one tablespoon of each of the ingredients in a spray bottle and add one quart of water. Shake the bottle and spray over the pests.
-However, you can also apply garlic or hot pepper repellent spray to your anthurium spadix plant when the attack gets severe.
Nonetheless, while applying chemical pesticides make sure to read out the instructions first.
5. Fungal Diseases
Fungal diseases are very common in both garden plants and houseplants. Especially, anthurium plants are potted and there are chances that the fungus will attack the roots and cause root rot. It can be a result of several fungi such as Phytophthora, Pythium, or Fusarium.
Root rot means there will be no supply of nutrients from the soil to the entire plant and its branches. Fungus finds its way when there is any wound in the plant or the soil is too wet for days.
The disease makes the roots rotten and blackened. Thus, the roots become slimy and mushy. So, when the roots stop working, the anthurium will get no nutrients and as a result, it will turn brown.
However, fungal attacks are also common. They just need favorable conditions to develop themselves.
- Mosaic and brown leaf pattern
- Crinkling of leaves
- Black patches
- Rotting of roots
- Stunting of growth
Control Measure
- The first and foremost way to control the fungal attack in your anthurium is to stop overhead watering the plant.
- Apply drip irrigation since the anthurium spadix is a potted plant.
- Make sure the pot has a proper drainage system.
- Proper mulching can also reduce fungal attacks.
- You can also apply fungicides to control severe attacks [our pick: Bonide 775 Copper Fungicide Rtu Natural]
6. Wrong Environment and Soil
Your anthurium in the wrong environment is another reason for turning the plant brown. For example, if there is low humidity in the environment then it results in the deformation of leaves and buds of anthurium.
In many varieties, low humidity results in browning the leaf edges and tips of the plants.
Again, anthuriums cannot tolerate cold stresses since they are tropical plants. They can survive up to temperatures of 59-86 degrees F.
Cold stress affects the buds and damages them. It is the reason for the browning of buds. Hence, a delay in blooming occurs.
Then again, if you plant your anthurium in excessive saline soil then the plant will deteriorate turning brown.
- Patchy yellow and then brown leaves
- Damages leaves and buds
- Weaken of roots
- Pale and wilted leaves
Control Measure
- Ensure the required humidity in the room for your anthurium plant.
- Also, ensure the right temperatures that the plant requires.
- Make sure the roots of your plant do not accumulate too many salts in the soil.
- Again, you can add peat moss, sulfur, or sawdust to amend the alkaline soil.
7. Age
Last but not least, age is also a reason for your anthurium spadix turning brown. Of course, not all plant lasts forever. Some show symptoms while aging. Anthuriums are not exceptional.
When the plant starts aging it also starts to fall off turning brown. However, it is a natural reason and you should not worry.
- Brown leaves
- Falling off
Control Measure
- To make your anthurium look beautiful, clean off the fallen and dried leaves.
- Again, use sterilized and clean tools and shears for your plant.
Optimum Requirement for Anthurium Spadix
Soil pH | 5.5 to 6.5 (acidic) |
Water | Once a week |
Temperature | 75º to 85ºF |
Humidity | 70-80% |
Growth | 15-20 inches |
How often does my anthurium need to be watered indoors?
Water the anthurium once a week only when the soil is completely dry. To get the best result, let the soil dry from the previous watering.
Should I cut off brown anthurium leaves?
Pruning of plants can bring several advantages and the same goes for your anthurium as well. If you cut off the dead and brown leaves, your plant will be benefited by saving some energy.
How do I know if my anthurium is dying?
Well, if only your plant is drooping or wilting, there are chances that the plant will not survive longer. But if you see it browning or just the brown spots on the leaves then you can save the plant.
Final Word
Well, now you are acknowledged why your beautiful anthurium spadix is turning brown. We have also provided you with the control measures so that you can bring back the true beauty of your houseplant.
However, identifying the main reason specifically in your anthurium is still challenging. However, the signs and symptoms will help you out in this case.
So, if our article has made you care more for your anthurium spadix more then shoot feedback to let us know!
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