Cryptomeria Globosa Nana Turning Brown? [Why and How To Fix]

Cryptomeria globosa plants are famous for their beautiful shape and attractive foliage. But seeing the green leaves turn brown after planting is really a bad experience. Cryptomeria plants have this problem for a number of reasons;  Such as Improper watering, waterlogged soil, excess wind, sunburn, lack of nutrients, pests, and leaf blight.

But the good news is that you can quickly fix your tree by following a few easy steps. And in this article, I will tell you about those control measures. So let’s get started.

Quick Control Guide

Problem Solution
Improper Watering 2-3 inches deep watching once a week is fine.
Waterlogged soilMix plenty of organic material in the soil.
Excess windProtect your plant with a thick cloth. 
SunburnThe plant should not be exposed to the sun for more than 7 hours.
Lack of nutrients Using organic compost is good.
Leaf blightA good quality fungicide is recommended. 
PestsGood culture care is recommended.

7 Easy Steps To Fix Cryptomeria Globosa Nana Brown Leaves

Globosa Nana Cryptomeria Brown Leaves

1. Improper Watering

Most gardeners have some misconceptions about watering. As a result, they do not apply water to the plants at the right time and in the proper way.

If your Cryptomeria globosa Nana plant suffers from this misconception, it is quite normal for its leaves to change color. Due to a lack of water, your plants become dehydrated, and most of their cells stop working. As a result, the leaves begin to dry up slowly and eventually turn completely brown.

Control Measure

Withered leaves usually do not recover. But you have to apply plenty of water to protect the other leaves. Cryptomeria plants prefer very little water. 2-3 inch deep watering once a week is enough. However, if the leaves of your plant start to turn brown, you will need to water regularly for a few days.

If the plant begins to regain its former vigor within a few days, then return to the optimal watering cycle again. However, during very hot or drought periods, the plant should be watered frequently.

Rainwater is ideal for cryptomeria globosa nana. But if not possible regularly, you can also use filtered water. If that is not possible, tap water should be stored for 1-1.5 days and then applied.

2. Waterlogged Soil

If cryptomeria leaves continue to turn brown despite regular watering, it’s time to check the soil. You may have yet to select suitable soil before planting.

If your soil can’t drain excess water, it will damage plant roots. As a result, your plant is not able to absorb water, oxygen, and other important elements, its leaves may turn brown, turn yellow or the plant may die.

Control Measure

Proper soil pH range, drainage, water holding capacity, and presence of adequate soil nutrients are all essential for the growth of Cryptomeria globosa nana plants.

If there is excessive waterlogging in the plants, drains should be dug quickly. If necessary, watering should be stopped for a few days and fresh water should be sprinkled on the plant.

Soil pH should be 6-7. You can easily determine this with a pH meter (Our Pick: SONKIR Soil pH Meter, MS02 3-in-1 Soil Moisture/Light/pH Tester).  Sulfur-containing fertilizers are very effective in reducing excess pH.

A mixture of 50% clay and 50% perlite with garden soil during soil preparation improves soil quality. As well as mixing plenty of organic matter, it will stimulate the growth of your Cryptomeria plant and increase the water drainage capacity of the soil.

3. Sunburn

Sunburn of Cryptomeria Globosa Nana

Excessive sunlight is a very common cause of the browning of the leaves of Cryptomeria globosa. Pay attention to the location of your tree. Is it always exposed to sunlight?

You might think that plants are happy when they are always in the sun. But if you observe carefully, you will see that after a certain period of time, the plant behaves abnormally in the sunlight.  

The new branches and leaves try to go against the sunlight. During this time, the new leaves of the plant are burnt due to the excessive heat of the sun, and brown-yellow spots are formed on the leaves.

Control Measure

If your plant is in a spot with constant sunlight, you should immediately shift it to a spot with less sunlight. If your plant is in the landscape, it must be covered with a shade of cloth. Adequate watering should be applied to the plant after moving.

Cryptomeria globosa plants prefer six to seven hours of direct sun. So you need to place your plant in a place where it gets only morning sun. The afternoon sun is harmful to plants so the cover should be provided for outdoor plants.

4. Excess Wind

An invisible cause of cryptomeria globosa nana turning brown. Most experts cannot identify this phenomenon. Leaves of plants near sea level or in stormy locations and in cold regions often turn brown for this reason.

Generally, excess wind reduces the moisture content of plant leaves. As a result, even after applying sufficient water, your plant remains dehydrated for a long time. 

Apart from this, the leaves and branches of the plant are damaged by the excess cold wind, which also causes the leaves to turn brown.

Control Measure

If your location is cold and gets excessively cold winds then you need to take special care of your plants. Such a location is better to keep the plant indoors.

But if the plant is outdoors, thick cloth barricades should be provided around the plant and it should be wrapped in thick cloth, especially at night. But it must be loosened during the daytime. 

If the wind-damaged plant limbs are at the stage of recovery, then they should be cleaned with potassium permanganate solution. Pruning should be done if more damage occurs. In that case, healthy branches should not be pruned.

5. Lack of Nutrients

Basically, nitrogen and iron deficiency cause brown spots or discoloration on the leaves of Cryptomeria globosa. Chlorosis occurs in plant leaves due to two nutrients.

You can easily understand the symptoms of these causes. At first, the leaves turn yellow but do not fall off. Gradually the leaf border starts curling and browning occurs. If no action is taken, the whole leaf gradually turns brown and curls.

Control Measure

The immediate solution to the problem is to apply additional nitrogen or iron fertilizers separately. But in that case, first, you need to know whether chlorosis is caused by iron or nitrogen.

A very easy way to know this is by looking at the leaves. Iron chlorosis usually occurs on the young leaves of plants. Nitrogen chlorosis occurs in old leaves.

Once the problem is confirmed, use NPK (10-10-10) as directed on the label to compensate for nitrogen deficiency. You can also use Homemade organic compost in bridging nitrogen deficiency.

Chelated iron powder can be applied at the base of plants for iron chlorosis. But the most effective way is to spray liquid iron fertilizer on the leaves of the plant. Besides, applying blood meal also gives good results.

6. Leaf Blight

Leaf blight is a fungal disease that causes instant brown or black scratches on the leaves of your Cryptomeria plant. You can easily identify the disease by looking at the symptoms.

The main symptom is the initial brown or black water marks on the leaves. Sometimes yellow spots may also develop. If the plant is wet, the amount of these spots will gradually increase.  

In dry conditions, the spots acquire a speckled look. As spots spread, entire leaves may turn yellow, brown, and fall off.

Control Measure

As soon as the infection is seen, your plant should be separated from others. Affected leaves should be pruned and burnt. A good quality fungicide works well for fungal blight.

You can also use homemade neem oil to prevent fungal infections. The plant should not be watered from above until the blight is cured and should be kept under regular monitoring.

However, chemical treatment is a must for bacterial blight. Copper and streptomycin are very effective in this case. It protects the plant from bacterial attack, especially in damp weather.

7. Pests

Aphids, mites, and scales are mainly responsible for the browning of cryptomeria leaves.  Aphids are sap-sucking insects that suck plant sap and dry out the leaves. Mites attack leaves and twigs in groups and cause fatal damage.

Scales are usually small and very hard. They attach to plant leaves or plants and reproduce.  Causes leaf lesions and browning of leaves.

Control Measure

You must periodically check the plant for signs of infestation and take the necessary steps in order to control pests on Cryptomeria globosa Nana.

Using Neem oil, effective insecticide or insecticidal soap solution, cutting off the afflicted plant portions, or introducing natural predators like ladybugs or lacewings are a few examples of how to do this.

Additionally, to keep the plant healthy and resistant to pests, it is also important to conduct good cultural care, such as giving it the appropriate amount of sunlight, water, and nourishment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Often Should You Water a Cryptomeria Globosa Nana?

Deep watering 2-3 inches once a week during the normal season will prefer cryptomeria plants. But water demand varies during the dry season and extreme winter. In addition, if the plant is affected by any problem, more water may be applied.

How Long Does a Cryptomeria Live?

Cryptomeria is a long-lived plant. With proper maintenance and care, this tree will accompany you for a long time. But their growth rate is medium.

Can Cryptomeria Globosa Nana Survive Winter?

Although cryptomeria plants can withstand cold, snowy climates, they may still benefit from some additional wintertime routine maintenance. Due to the weight of the snow and ice, their branches may get weakened or even break.


The Browning leaves of your Cryptomeria globosa Nana plant most likely indicate poor maintenance. Therefore, the plant won’t ever experience these issues if the proper amount of water is applied, appropriate sunlight is provided, fertilizer is applied on schedule, and the plant is protected from fungus and bacteria.

Additionally, it’s important to first pinpoint the primary reasons for any plant issue. Because finding the answer will be quite simple for you once you are aware of the issue. I’m hoping that this article may assist you in curing the leaf browning issue with your cryptomeria plant. Happy gardening. 

James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg

James Rivenburg is the founder of, a passionate gardener with valuable experience and knowledge gained through trial and error. The website has a large community of followers who trust his tips and techniques and have succeeded with his advice. He is always Committed to helping others create a beautiful and healthy garden.

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