7 Heuchera Lime Marmalade Problems [Causes & Solution Included]

If you ask me about the common problems of the heuchera lime marmalade plant, I will inform you about leaf problems, shoot destruction, wilting, poor growth, root rot, pest infestation and disease attack. These are mainly occurred due to too much sunlight, underwatering, overwatering, nutrient deficiency, temperature fluctuation and some other problems.

Whenever you get such abnormal situations in your plant, you should take some measures to resolve them. Otherwise, it will create havoc for your plant and the plant will be died. That’s why I have brought some suggestions for you by which you can get your solution.

Here is a table presented to inform you about the problems and solutions of this plant.

Problems Causes Solutions
Leaf problems

  • Scorched leaves
  • Crispy leaves 
  • Falling off leaves
  • Black spots on the leaves
  • Crispy leaves with curly margin 
  • Brown leaves with brown margin
  • Too much sunlight.
  • Underwatering 
  • Nutrient deficiency and frost attack
  • Insect infestation 
  • Dry air
  • Overwatering
  • Provide bright sunlight along with partial shade for better development.
  • Water the plant regularly 
  • Apply nitrogenous fertilizers. Adjust the temperature between 59-62°F in the plant atmosphere. 
  • Use pesticides or homemade recipes  
  • Maintain the humidity of around 70%
  • Don’t water your plant much and keep the drainage system undisturbed.
Shoot destruction 
  • overwatering
  • Planting in a small pot
Water perfectly and repot your plant
  • Temperature fluctuation 
  • Pest attack
  • Disease attack
  • Fix the optimum temperature 
  • Use Pesticides
  • Remove the affected parts
Poor growth Adverse soil condition  Use sandy loam, fertile and neutral or slightly alkaline soil
Root rot Overwatering Maintain optimum watering and improve the drainage system

  • Stem and bulb nematode 
  • Black Vine Weevil
  • Leaf and bud eelworm
Attractive foliage and flower
  • Try hand picking
  • Use industrial insecticides or homemade solutions

  • Heuchera rust
  • Brown spot
  • Wounds created by insects or any other means
  • Microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, fungi and nematodes
  • Remove the affected parts
  • Use industrial chemicals or homemade recipes 

7 Common Heuchera Lime Marmalade Problems With Perfect Solutions

Heuchera Lime Marmalade Problems

1. Leaf Problems

In the case of starting heuchera lime marmalade problems, I want to list down the common leaf problems that bother gardeners. Such problems are-

  • Scorched leaves
  • Crispy leaves 
  • Falling off leaves
  • Black spots on the leaves
  • Crispy leaves with curly margin 
  • Brown leaves with brown patches


If you have any leaf problems that I enlisted here, you should first know about the causes of these problems to sort them out properly. Let’s have a glance at the causes.

  • Scorched or burnt leaves take brown forms due to excessive sunlight.
  • Crispy leaves occur due to underwatering. 
  • Leaves may fall because of nitrogen deficiency and frost attack.
  • When pests like aphids, scales and mealybugs attack the plant, black spots emerge.
  • Dry air or absence of moisture is responsible for crispy leaves with curly margins.
  • Overwatering causes brown leaves with brown patches.

Control Measures

As there are several types of leaf problems, the solutions are also versatile. You have to identify the exact problem and make a solution to the respected problem. As burnt or scorched leaves can be managed by adjusting light and shade. 

The Heuchera lime marmalade plant loves to grow in bright sunlight along with partial shade for a few hours. But direct sunlight is harmful to them. Hence, they should be kept in indirect light. Burnt leaves may not be revived, but the leaves which just started to be discolored or other foliage can be saved.

The underwatering problem can be solved by watering regularly your plant. It needs more water in summer than in winter. Water is enough so that the soil can get a perfect situation for establishment. 

Sometimes, plants may lack nitrogen or other nutrient elements. To remove this problem, you have to apply fertilizers regularly to your plant. Make sure that the fertilizer can meet up the demand for nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. 

Frost attack is another issue that may cause leaf problems. Though it is a cold-tolerant plant, it gets damaged in a temperature below 25°F. So, during the winter period, you can cover the plant with polythene and the soil with mulches to protect it.

After that, you can resolve the overwatering problem by checking the soil moisture. Don’t water your plant too much. You can check the humidity with a moisture meter to understand if the plant has enough moisture or not.

Finally, to remove the problem of dry air, you can sprinkle water on the foliage. Plants will get moisture from the soil if it is sufficient. Besides, sprinkling water streams will help the plant to absorb more water during the dry season. You can also use a humidifier to keep the humidity level perfect.

2. Shoot Destruction

Shoot destruction means the damages in foliage and the stem. You may have discolored foliage or noticeable negative changes to your plant such as damping off, spots in the stems, stem narrowing, etc. 


Let’s discuss the causes of the shoot destruction. The causes may be-

  • Overwatering
  • Root-bound problem

Control Measures

If you see an over-watering problem with your plant, then stop watering and keep the drainage system unaffected as I described in the leaf problems section.

Next, the solution for the root-bound problem is repotting. If you plant it in a small pot, it cannot adjust properly after getting large and mature. Then, it needs repotting. Otherwise, the roots won’t be nourished. As a result, the plant may not get enough materials to prepare food.

For repotting, firstly uproot the plant. Then prepare a new pot with a mixture of soil, perlite, sphagnum moss, and coco-peat. Finally, plant it inside the ready pot. You can also try repotting if the overwatering damages your root and it cannot revive.

3. Wilting

In the third portion, I will give some suggestions about wilting. Reviving a plant from this stage is tough enough as the system gets damaged and the plant starts to become pale entirely. 


The causes of this problem are-

  • Temperature fluctuation means getting the temperature too low or too high.
  • Pest attack 
  • Disease attack 

Control Measures

As I explained before, the temperature should be between 59-62°F if you want a vigorous plant. You can check the solution of too low temperature from the leaf problem section. If you see the temperature getting too high, then keep the plant inside the home and water properly so that it is not affected. 

4. Poor Growth

Next, let’s know about the poor growth of the plant. A heuchera lime marmalade plant can grow almost 2 feet in its mature stage. But if you cannot provide the proper necessary elements, this plant will fail to gain the perfect height or the foliage may not be properly established. 


The Cause of such poor growth is adverse soil conditions. In this soil, the plant cannot get proper nutrients or other necessary elements that are important for adequate food making. Consequently, they cannot grow more.

Control Measure

Sandy loam soil includes more favorable conditions for this plant than other soil mediums. Again, soil pH is also an important matter. Acidic soil can hold nutrient matter more than alkaline and a slightly acidic pH is beneficial for the plant.

That’s why try to plant it in sandy loam soil with slightly acidic or neutral pH. The soil must be full of nutrient materials for better growth. Thus you can save your plant from poor growth.

5. Root Rot

Root rot indicates such a problem when the fibrous root system of your plant gets damaged. The rootlets get tangled and black-colored and they cannot grow anymore. As a result, the root system cannot reach food preparation materials for the plant. Sometimes bad fermentation odor may also come from the roots.


The primary cause of root rot is overwatering. If you water too much to your plant, the excessive water stands in the root zone that is not needed for this plant. When such a surrounding is continued, the soggy condition creates a favorable environment for the insects and pathogens which make the root rot.

Control Measures

The main solution is to stop over-watering. In severe cases, you can repot the plant which has better soil moisture and is perfect for the growth of the plant.

6. Pests

Therefore, I have some details about the pests that affect heuchera lime marmalade plants. Such insects are-

  • Stem and bulb nematode 
  • Black Vine Weevil
  • Leaf and bud eelworm
  • Aphids
  • Mealybugs
  • Scales
  • Thrips


The different colors of the foliage attract the insects. Besides, the young leaves are so soft that the insects can easily eat them and continue their life cycle. 

Control Measures

Meanwhile, I have noted some problems that are caused due to pest attacks. But I haven’t mentioned any solutions to them. Now I will provide ways to control insects which you can use for any kind of pest problem.

Pests can be controlled by hand-picking if they are small in number. But when they are large, it is better to use a water stream rather than using a hand-picking method. Just flow water where pests are attached.

If your plant is under great stress due to this large pest infestation, you can use chemical substances or organic solutions. You can use pesticides if you have them at home or you can manage them easily. But as they are too toxic, take all the precautionary measures labeled in the bottle while using.

On the other hand, if you are out of stock of pesticides or want to use homemade recipes, here are some for your convenience-

Recipe-1: Baking soda

Take 4 teaspoons of baking soda in 1 gallon of water and mix them properly and spray them.

Recipe 2: Neem oil

Neem oil recipe is one of the best organic materials for the plant. Mix 1 teaspoon of concentrated neem oil, ½ teaspoon of aloe vera powder, a few drops of essential oil, and a few drops of liquid soap in 1 gallon of water and spray it on the plant. 

7. Diseases

Heuchera lime marmalade plants are commonly susceptible to two kinds of diseases-

  • Heuchera rust
  • Brown spot


The pathogens of these two diseases can easily attack a heuchera plant. That’s why they are commonly found in this plant.

Control Measures

When you find disease affection in your plant, remove the affected parts as soon as possible first. The fast you can do this job, the more you save your plant. 

After removing the parts, apply fungicides or bactericides, or nematicides to your plant. Spray or dilute them as mentioned on the label of the bottle. Else, you can also use homemade organic solutions which I mentioned in the pest section.

How To Revive a Heuchera Plant?

Repotting Heucheras

  • Pruning

The main way to save your heuchera lime marmalade plant is pruning. Pruning means the cutting of affected parts of the plants. This may be due to pests, disease, or other environmental issues. This pruning helps your plant to get energy for new plant growth as it doesn’t need to bear the diseased parts.

On the other hand, they can balance their metabolism as a new starting and other hampering properties are not present in them. That’s why pruning is an important issue for your plant.

  • Repotting

Repotting is a mandatory solution for root bound. But from the versatile perspective, it is a fruitful method to make the plant survive in any type of problem. Most of the problems initiate from soil and soil environments. 

So if you change the soil and provide a new environment, it will take a little time to adjust, but after that, it will have tremendous growth. Along with this, you also have to maintain all the environmental factors important for the plant like temperature, humidity, nutrients, watering and sunlight.

How To Save a Heuchera Plant

Cutting Back

It is better to prevent than cure. That’s why you should take some specific measures so that your plant is not affected by any problems. For this purpose, you can try the cutting-back method. It’s about cutting the excessive parts of the plants. 

Through this procedure, your plant will get the strength to produce new flowers. Again, any affection starts from the top in maximum cases. So that will be removed and your plant will be saved. You should continue this process every autumn.


Deadheading is normally done to facilitate blooming. It includes the removal of spent flowers. By doing this, plants get facilities so that they can produce more flowers. 

Caring Guides For Heuchera Lime Marmalade Plant

Climate Warm climate
Soil Loam and moist soil have a good drainage system
Sunlight Dappled or spotted shade
Temperature  59-62°F
Watering Once a week 
Humidity  Around 70%
Cutting back  In autumn
Fertilizer  Bone Meal and fish meal fertilizer in spring


How fast a heuchera plant may grow?

The Heuchera lime marmalade plant has a fast growth rate. A healthy and mature heuchera lime marmalade plant can grow 1-2 feet in its life cycle. Providing enough microclimate elements is essential for this factor.

Is the heuchera lime marmalade plant toxic for humans?

No. The Heuchera lime marmalade plant doesn’t create any toxicity or irritation to humans and other animals. They are safe to keep in your garden.

Can the heuchera lime marmalade plant grow in full sun?

Yes, but not always. The Heuchera lime marmalade plant loves to grow in partial shade with several hours of indirect sunlight. Only palace purple can tolerate a wide range of direct sunlight. 

Final Thoughts

Finally, you are at the last phase of my article. Meanwhile, I have explained almost all the heuchera lime marmalade problems that I experienced several times with my plants. The solutions that I used here also experimented with. me if they can revive the plant fully or not.

Well, this depends on the condition of your plant. If you see that the plant is damaged totally, it may not get its previous outfit again. Hence, notice your plant properly so that such an easy-maintenance plant doesn’t face any problems in its life cycle.

James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg

James Rivenburg is the founder of plantandpest.com, a passionate gardener with valuable experience and knowledge gained through trial and error. The website has a large community of followers who trust his tips and techniques and have succeeded with his advice. He is always Committed to helping others create a beautiful and healthy garden.

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