Philodendron Birkin Drooping – 8 Causes with Control Measure

Philodendron birking drooping can be caused due to fertilizer burn, overwatering, underwatering, nutrient scarcity, high temperature, frost attack, low humidity and transplantation problems. Most gardeners face such problems while maintaining a birkin plant.

Will you be able to maintain the plant’s beauty if it is in a stressed condition? “A birkin plant will become droopy if you don’t love it or excessively love it”- one of my friends said so. Though it was a tricky matter for me at that time, I learned it later when my plant was drooping.

That’s why I am eager to discuss the matter with you so that you can save your plant from such stressed conditions and maintain the plant’s beauty. Here I have included a table to make you understand the problem and solution shortly.



Fertilizer BurnDon’t provide excessive fertilizer to your plant
Overwatering Prohibit providing much water which is not necessary
Underwatering Water your plant regularly during summer and when it is mandatory 
Nutrient Deficiency Apply enough fertilizers in the growing period and twice a year
Excessive temperature Maintain the optimum temperature range of 68-78°F
Low humidity Provide an approximate humidity range of 60-80%
Frost attackWater the plant regularly and provide shade
Transplantation issuesTake intensive care of your plant after transplantation to adapt to the new environment 

8 Common Causes Responsible For Philodendron Birkin Drooping With Effective Solutions

1. Fertilizer Burn

A misconception is found often among gardeners that the application of excessive fertilizers in a philodendron birkin plant makes them vigorous. But that’s not true at all. Will you feel comfortable overeating? Not so, right?

In the same way, philodendron birkin plants don’t get effective strength from too many fertilizers. They have some resistant mechanisms for their internal growth. When you put a lot of fertilizers on it, they cannot absorb it properly. As a result, the extra materials remain in the root zone and burn the root area which causes the drooping problem.

Control Measures

Apply fertilizers in the appropriate amount. As liquid fertilizers are slow-releasing, they can serve the plant better. Hence, try to apply such a fertilizer. 

Besides, if liquid fertilizers are not available to you, you can use fertilizer sticks. But put them near the edges of the pot, not in the root zone. Most importantly, don’t fertilize your plant so often. Thus, you can save your plant from fertilizer burn.

2. Overwatering

Next, I would like to talk about overwatering as it is a burning issue of philodendron birkin drooping. You know that excessively moist soil causes disease infestation and insect attacks at a high range. 

If you water too much to your plant and don’t prepare a perfect space for drainage, the excessive water will be clogged at the root zone. The roots will be affected by pathogens and as a result, the root rot problem initiates. 

Gradually, the roots fail to provide proper water, nutrients and other materials to the plant. The plant cannot get proper ingredients for food production and the overall system gets hampered which leads to drooping. 

Control Measures

Don’t water your plant at a high range. The winter period needs less amount of water. So don’t have much water at that time. Apply water with a watering hose when the soil gets dry. 

3. Underwatering

But, don’t stop watering or provide a little amount of water to your plant despite they need more water. If you do so to avoid the overwatering problem, it will be responsible for underwatering that may cause wilting. 

Philodendron plants are drought-resistant. But they need a moderate amount of water to survive. Again, different plant nutrient materials and minerals also enter into the plant body along with water. Water is also important in all types of metabolic activities of the plant. 

Control Measures

Water your plant regularly. During summer, they need a lot of water than in winter. Hence, you have to water your plant according to the weather condition. Water can be provided through the watering hose or any other materials.

4. Nutrient Deficiency

Earlier, I provided information about fertilizer burn as a cause of wilting. At the same time, nutrient deficiency can also be responsible for the drooping of philodendron birkin. Birkin plant needs fertilizing twice a year.

Else, their vegetative growth also needs a proper amount of fertilizers. If fertilizers are not provided in the needed amount to them, their growth may be stunted. The scarcity of enough nutrients will prevent the leaves from growing perfectly and will destroy their appearance. 

Control Measures

Birkin plants need fertilizers once in winter and once in spring. As they grow considerably after winter, enough nutrients will make them vibrant and ready for growth. You can use fertilizers having all types of macro and micronutrients. (our pick: Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food)

But you have to be concerned about the way of applying fertilizer. Applying fertilizer directly to the root or adjusting fertilizer sticks directly to the root zone is prohibited as they burn the root. So apply fertilizers diluting in the water or adjust the sticks near the edge of the pot in case of solid fertilizers. 

5. Excessive Temperature

Don’t you feel uncomfortable during excessively hot weather? Your philodendron birkin plant also feels so if they are exposed to too high a temperature. Much temperature makes the soil dry as soil water evaporates into the environment at a tremendous rate.

Again, if you don’t water properly at such a time, the cell sap will be dried and the plant won’t be able to make food. Thus, they will be tired and start drooping. Else, too much heat may burn the leaves’ pigments and create a barrier in the food production process.

Control Measures

Try to provide a shady condition for your plant if the environment is very hot. The optimum temperature range for a birkin plant is 68-78°F. Try to maintain such a temperature for the plant. If they are not transferable, try to maintain a polythene shade on them.

Besides, don’t forget to water. During such days, the plant needs more water to survive than during other periods. You should be careful of this issue.

6. Low Humidity

One more thing that is considered along with the temperature effect is the humidity range. Low humidity is such a problem which can make your plant pale and droopy. Low humidity is another name for dry air.

Dry air is one of the most notorious enemies of a philodendron birkin plant. When the environmental condition is dry, plants start to transpire at a higher rate. The dry air sucks water from the cell sap of the leaves. At this time, plants cannot continue their activities in their normal ways and become stressed and droopy.

Control Measures

Water your plant regularly on hot days. You can check the moisture percentage with a humidity meter. In the case of too low humidity, you can add humidity to the soil with a humidifier. Else, you can sprinkle water to save the leaves from the hot air effects.

7. Frost Attack

As the same as too high temperature, too low temperature is also considered a cause of destruction for a birkin plant. You cannot save your plant during frost if you do not prepare your plant for that.

The low temperature makes the water freeze. At this time, water remains in the root zone but it becomes unavailable for the plant. Consequently, the plant cannot get the water and fails to reach the top of the plant. Though they can survive in adverse conditions, such weather is detrimental to them.

Control Measures

Water your plant regularly so that the water remaining in the root zone cannot become frozen. If possible, take the plant inside the house in a warm place. If it is not transferable, provide shade to them so that frost cannot disturb the foliage and the photosynthesis process. 

8. Transplantation Issues

Lastly, let me end the list by discussing the topic of transplantation issues. As philodendron birkin plants are fast-growing, you may need to transplant them once or twice a year if you don’t use a large pot. But during transplantation, they need to maintain appropriate environmental conditions. 

After transplantation, a birkin plant needs to adjust to a new environment, the absence of enough watering, light, temperature and humidity makes the plant weak and droopy.

Control Measure

If you are thinking of transplanting your plant, do it in the early morning or late afternoon. As the sunlight of this time is not so scorching, the plant won’t feel stressed while they are not in contact with the soil.

Use a nutrient-enriched soil mixture to plant it. Then, take enough care of your plant properly by supplying appropriate microclimate elements to them. Thus, your plant will be happy.

Caring Tips For Philodendron Birkin

SoilNutrient-enriched, well-drained and slightly acidic sandy-loam soil
ClimateA warm and humid climate
WateringWater regularly when it is needed
Temperature 68-78° F is the preferred temperature 
Humidity 60-80% humidity is perfect
SunlightBright and indirect sunlight

Final Thoughts

Well, I have to end here as I have connoted here all the things that I experienced in my plant. The solutions that I provided here were very effective for my plants. From this point of view, I hope that this may be helpful for you too. 

If you feel it helpful, you are welcome to apply these in your plants too. Most importantly, your consciousness and perfect behavior toward the plant may save your philodendron birkin drooping problem. Hence, try to maintain the caring issues with high concern though the plant is resistant to tough environments. 

James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg

James Rivenburg is the founder of, a passionate gardener with valuable experience and knowledge gained through trial and error. The website has a large community of followers who trust his tips and techniques and have succeeded with his advice. He is always Committed to helping others create a beautiful and healthy garden.

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