Photinia Leaves Turning Yellow – 4 Common Reasons & Solutions

Nutrition Deficiency, Stressful Environment, Watering Issues and Poor Quality Soil are the reasons for Photinia leaves turning yellow.

Whenever you see the leaves of your photinia plant turning yellow it is definitely a matter of concern. But don’t panic.  

In this article, I will inform you about the causes of this problem in your photinia plant and how to overcome it. So, why the delay?

Why My Photinia Leaves Turning Yellow: Quick Fixing Guide

Photinia Leaves Turning Yellow Fixing

Nutrition DeficiencyNPK (10-10-10) and chelated iron is recommended to ensure proper nutrients.
Stressful Environment60-80° F temperature and 60% humidity is recommended.
Watering IssueWater once a week.
Poor SoilSoil pH should be 6-7.

Effective Solutions for Photinia Leaves Yellowing

Photinia (Red Robin) Plant Yellow Leaves

1. Nutrition Deficiency

Nitrogen and Iron deficiency are the most common causes of photinia leaves yellowing.

Nitrogen is one of the components of chlorophyll. Without sufficient nitrogen, your plants will not produce chlorophyll, thus inhibiting the process of photosynthesis. which will hinder the normal growth of the plant.  

Also, if there is a lack of chlorophyll, the normal color of the leaves of the plant starts to lighten and turns yellow. That is called chlorosis. The same thing will happen to your photinia plant if your plant is not getting enough iron.

Check the leaves regularly. If the entire area of ​​the leaf begins to turn yellow, it is due to nitrogen deficiency. Iron deficiency first attacks young leaves. In this case the narrow veins between the leaves will start turning yellow and the stem will also become weak.

Control Measure

Plants get the nutrients they need from the soil. So to make up for nitrogen deficiency, you need to make sure there is enough nitrogen in the soil.

Usually, every ready-made fertilizer contains nitrogen. But when you specifically want to add nitrogen, you need to choose a fertilizer that has a high nitrogen content. NPK 10-10-10 can be a good choice.

If you don’t want to use non-organic fertilizers, you can provide enough nitrogen for photinia plants at home. Increase the number of nitrogen-fixing plants in the garden. Beans can be a good choice.

You can also cover the soil of your photinia plant with mulch. Mulch will provide enough food for your plant’s beneficial soil bacteria to grow, and the bacteria will ensure your plants get the nitrogen they need. It will also improve the quality of your soil.

To ensure adequate iron, you can add the chelated iron powder directly to the soil or spray chelated iron or iron sulphate in liquid form on plant leaves every 7-10 days.

2. Stressful Environment

The environment has a very important role in every plant. If your photinia plant is grown in a location where the temperature is too low and the humidity fluctuates, your plant will quickly encounter an unstable situation. It will be difficult to survive in such an environment. 

Photinia is typically tropical plants and is less cold-loving. Yellowing of leaves is inevitable if your plant is placed in a place where the incidence of cold is high.

Moreover, the plant’s water demand also decreases in cold weather, so the leaves of the photinia plant may turn yellow due to excessive watering.

Temperature is related to the presence of sunlight. Sunlight is very important for photinia plants. If the temperature in your location is low along with the presence of sunlight, your plant’s biochemical mechanism will completely break down. The resulting leaves will turn yellow, shrivel and drop and the plant will die.

Control Measure

Photinia plants prefer warmer temperatures and moderate humidity. 60°-80° temperature is best. The temperature shouldn’t go below 60°F. If your plants are indoors never keep them in an AC room.

Eight to nine hours of sunlight is essential for the normal growth of photinia plants.  Your plants should be planted in a location that will receive sunlight most of the day. 

If you want to keep it indoors then next to your south-facing window would be an ideal place.

If you cannot ensure enough sunlight inside your room, you can use an artificial lighting system.

However, you should try to keep your photinia plant away from the afternoon sun. Shade cloth can be used in the afternoon if needed.

Even if the temperature in your location is slightly cooler and you can ensure your photinia plant gets enough sunlight on a regular basis, your plant can thrive in relatively low temperatures.

3. Watering Issue

Both overwatering and underwatering are responsible for the yellowing of photinia leaves.  

Too much water keeps your plant’s roots wet all the time, making it easy for fungi to attack and start root rot. Affected roots fail to absorb essential minerals from the soil and the result is the yellowing of plant leaves.  

Also, if excess water accumulates, your photinia plant cannot absorb the necessary oxygen from the soil.  As a result of which the process of photosynthesis is interrupted, and the leaves of the plant start to fade.

And if you don’t supply your plant with enough water, the plant won’t get the nutrients it needs for its internal biochemical reactions. As a result, the different parts of the tree will gradually start to fade, eventually the tree will turn yellow and die.

Control Measure

Watering once every week is plenty. But for the first two years after planting, it should receive regular watering.

No extra water is needed during the typical season after growing up. However, during the summer, water demand may differ.

Photina generally prefers deep watering. Two-and-a-half-inch watering is best. Before watering your plants, make sure to examine the soil. 

Take a 3-4 inch stick and put it down 2-2.5 deep in your garden soil. If it is found wet then no watering is needed. Alternative method: you can also use a moisture meter (Our Pick: SONKIR Soil pH Meter, MS02 3-in-1 Soil Moisture/Light/pH Tester)

During the monsoon, photinia plants do not require watering. However, if it develops into a bush on a wall where rainwater cannot reach then watering may be required.

4. Poor Quality Soil

Maintaining the pH level of the soil is very much important for photinia plants. With an abnormally high or low pH, plant-beneficial bacteria cannot release nitrogen. Therefore, chlorosis will develop on the leaves of Photinia. 

If you plant your photinia in such soil since there is not enough nitrogen present. As a result, the leaves will initially turn yellow.

The soil’s primary job is to store water and deliver it to plants as needed. However, if the water-holding capacity of your soil is too poor, it won’t be able to provide your plant with plenty of water. And you are already aware that dehydration will prevent your plants from growing normally.

Control Measure

In general, both somewhat acidic and alkaline soil are preferred by photinia plants. Thus, the pH range for soil should be 6 to 7. You have to check the pH level by using a pH meter.

If the pH changes, you need to level it immediately. Elemental sulphur is commonly used to lower pH levels. You just have to mix it with your garden soil. If your soil pH is too low, you should use ground limestone.

You need to choose good-quality soil to ensure adequate aeration in the soil.  The soil should neither dry out nor become excessively muddy.  You can also apply an organic compost fertilizer to the soil before planting. 

In addition, to ensure adequate oxygen circulation in the soil, planting multiple trees in the same place should be avoided. You can also use earthworms naturally to improve the quality of your soil.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q: Why are the leaves of my Photinia Red Robin falling?

Ans: Mainly due to repotting, photinia plants can lose their leaves. Due to replanting shock most of the plants fail to execute their normal body mechanisms and develop leaf drooping problems. Also, at the end of spring, the old leaves fall off in order to grow new leaves.

Q: What month do you prune photinia?

Ans: Photinia plants need to be pruned once a year. Every year the end of March or the beginning of April is the ideal time for pruning. However, this time may vary depending on the area.


Try to figure out what your plant is actually trying to tell you when you detect yellow leaves on your photinia plants.

You should immediately begin the preventative process after determining the main cause.

Regular maintenance will protect your plant from the mentioned threats.

I hope you found this post to be useful. Happy gardening.

James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg

James Rivenburg is the founder of, a passionate gardener with valuable experience and knowledge gained through trial and error. The website has a large community of followers who trust his tips and techniques and have succeeded with his advice. He is always Committed to helping others create a beautiful and healthy garden.

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