7 Common Pieris Flaming Silver Problems- Causes and Solution

Last night, one of my friends called me and was splenetic about his pieris flaming silver problems. I asked him about the problem and he provided me with the list.

He has a lot of Pieris flaming silver plants and different plants were going through different problems like leaf problems, root injury, wilting, damage of new growth, slow growth and crown rot, disease attack and pest infestation. I instantly understood that those problems are happening due to overwatering, underwatering, too much sunlight, drought, nutrient deficiency and dry air.

As I have experienced these problems before, I have the solutions for these complications. Hence, I suggested it to him and also want to share it with you so that you can save your plant.

Before the detailed description, let’s have a glance at the quick solutions to these problems.

Leaf problems

  • Falling Off
  • Leaf burning
  • Leaf Browning
  • Yellow Leaves
  • Leaf scorch
  • Crispy leaves
  • Pest attack. 
  • Excessive sunlight.
  • Overwatering
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Drought and poor soil condition 
  • Dry air.
  • Use Pesticides
  • Allow staying in at least 4-8 hours of direct sunlight 
  • Water the plant once a week when needed
  • Apply ericaceous fertilizer 
  • Water your plant regularly during summer and plant in acidic sandy loam soil 
  • At least 70% humidity 
Root problems

  • Phytophthora root rot
  • Root bound
  • overwatering
  • Planting in a small pot
  • Optimum watering and repotting
  • High alkaline level
  • Underwatering
  • Overwatering 
  • Pest attack
  • Increase the soil acidity with dolomite or calcium oxide
  • Water properly 
  • Use Pesticides
Damage to new growthFrost attack65-75°F temperature
Slow growth and crown rotOverwateringMaintain optimum watering and improve the drainage system

  • Pieris lace bug
  • Aphids
  • Mealybugs
  • Mites
  • Susceptivity to insects
  • Attractive foliage and flower
  • Try hand picking
  • Use industrial insecticides or homemade solutions

  • Leaf spot
  • Canker
  • Rust
  • Leaf blight
  • Wounds
  • Microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, fungi and nematodes
  • Remove the affected parts
  • Use industrial chemicals or homemade recipes 

What Are The 7 Common Problems of Pieris Flaming Silver?


1. Leaf Problems

Among the several problems, I want to discuss the leaf problems first. These problems are expressed faster and can be noticed earlier than other problems because of the change in physical appearance. Some of the common leaf problems are-

  • Falling Off
  • Leaf burning
  • Leaf Browning
  • Yellow Leaves
  • Leaf scorch
  • Crispy leaves


I have already mentioned the common leaf problems. Now, I will specify the causes before providing their solutions. 

  • Leaves mainly fall off due to the pest attack. 
  • Leaf burning is caused due to excessive sunlight.
  • Brown leaves are found because of overwatering
  • If there is any nutrient deficiency, yellow leaves emerge
  • I saw leaf scorching in my plants during drought periods and due to poor soil condition 
  • Crispy leaves are found in the case of dry air.

Control Measure

As leaves have versatile problems, there are different effective solutions for them. If you see that your Pieris leaves are falling due to pest attack, you can use pesticides. I am going to include a detailed guide about this portion later in this article. 

Next, let’s talk about the sunlight issues of this plant. Pieris Flaming Silver plant needs bright and direct sunlight for at least 4 to 8 hours. Besides, it needs partial shedding for a few hours. If you keep your plant in direct sunlight for several hours, it will initiate leaf burning. So try to provide proper shades to your plant.

After that, here comes the watering procedure. This plant needs watering when the top soil is dry. Don’t water your plant much which is unnecessary for the plant and may cause a physically imbalanced situation for them. At the same time, keep the drainage system undisturbed. 

Following that, I must mention the fertilizing guide for this plant. Ericaceous fertilizer is the best for them to supply nutrients at a balanced rate and apply it once a year during spring. It will facilitate foliage growth. You may also use organic fertilizers like fish meal, mustard oil cake etc. for the plant. 

Most importantly, you should notice the soil factors of this plant. It needs acidic soil for it to be better established along with a sandy loam texture. You can use dolomite to increase the acidic situation. The soil should be enriched with nutrients. Besides, make sure that the temperature range is between 65-75°F.

Finally, I want to point out the moisture level needed for the plant. At least 60-70% moisture should be present in the soil and the plant atmosphere. Dry or moisture-less air is harmful to them. You can use a humidifier to increase the moisture level.

2. Root Problems

The next problem is associated with the root system of the plant. As roots are the main conducting organ of the plant, they cannot be neglected and the plant cannot grow fast if the root system is disturbed. Mainly two kinds of root problems are found in Pieris flaming silver plants which are-

  • Phytophthora root rot
  • Root bound 


The cause of root rot is overwatering. When you water your plant too much, the root system gets attacked by pests and different mechanisms occur at the root zone. As a result, the root and rootlets are hampered.

On the other hand, root bound is caused because of using an inappropriate pot. If you plant it in a small pot, the roots will be stuck with the increase in foliage as the roots will also create branches while gaining maturity. 

Control Measures

Try to water your plant as it is necessary. I have already mentioned the control measure of overwatering in the leaf section. You can check this from there. 

On the other hand, the root bound problem can be sorted out by repotting. You can also go for repotting for root rot problems if the water condition of that soil is beyond description. You have to uproot the plant from the pot, prepare a new pot with soil mixture and then plant it carefully. 

Make sure that you have not disturbed the root system while repotting. In the case of preparing soil mixture, I use one portion of perlite, one portion of coco-peat and a little portion of sphagnum moss with the sandy loam soil. If you want, you can also prepare the soil in this way.

3. Wilting

Wilting indicates a devastating period of your plant life. The plant gets wilted when it faces the most stressed environment which can be of any type. The leaves become pale and the stems become weak. The plant looks like a dying plant.


I can mention several reasons which are responsible for wilting. They are-

  • High alkaline level
  • Underwatering
  • Overwatering 
  • Pest attack

Control Measures

Meanwhile, I have suggested to you the solutions of under-watering and overwatering. Now, I can help you by providing some steps which can sort out high alkaline levels. The alkaline level can be reduced by using calcium oxide or dolomite. 

Using calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide creates a buffer zone and then transforms the plant soil into an acidic condition. Dolomite also continues the same job. You can apply them diluting in the water or as a solid form. I have described the measures to be taken for pest attacks later.

4. Damage to New Growth

The plant can grow fast if they get favorable conditions for its establishment. In this case, if they are stressed because of environmental issues, the new growth of the plant is damaged. The apical buds cannot grow anymore and the tender leaves get destroyed. Thus, the plant gets stunted growth.


The temperature is an important issue which I have explained already. Like the high temperature, low temperature can also damage the plant. This situation is normally created during the middle or end of the winter period when too many frosty conditions appear.

If the temperature becomes too low, the plant cannot continue its metabolic process. The water freezes near the root zone and the plant cannot uptake it and cannot supply food for preparation. Thus the growth is stunted.

Control Measures

Cover your plant with polythene sheets while frost or snowfall is going on. You can use carbon sheets to wrap the soil so that the warmness is preserved. You should continue the procedure throughout the frost time. If you plant it in a pot, bring the pot inside your home and keep it in a warm place. 

5. Slow Growth And Crown Rot

Sometimes, due to different problems, the growth is not stopped but gets slow. The apical portion or the crown may rot also. As a result, the plant does not mature enough to age.


Overwatering can be the main culprit of this problem. I noticed it in my plants when I was new at gardening. Then, I observed my plant and found that this problem occurs due to overwatering. Too much water facilitates the disease attack and the growth of the plant becomes slow.

Control Measures

Water your plant as it needs. I have already mentioned the way to get rid of the overwatering problem earlier. So you can use those if you want. 

6. Insects

Insects are one of the main problems of Pieris flaming silver plants. Some usual pests of this plant are-

  • Pieris lace bug
  • Aphids
  • Mealybugs
  • Mites 


Insect attack is caused due to susceptivity of the plant. Plants create fluids inside the cell and produce different foliage and flowers. Insects are attracted to those parts and then attack the plant. They also attack as they can manage their foods from these foliage and cell saps.

Control Measure

The easiest and cheapest method of pest destruction is to remove them by hand picking. But you can use this only when the insect population is small. You can use heavy water streams for a large population. 

But if the infestation is at a devastating range, you can use industrial pesticides or homemade recipes. You can use industrial pesticides like (Our pick) if they are available to you. Use them by diluting them in the water as described on the label of the bottle.

Otherwise, if you have enough time and want to use biological remedies, you can follow the below-mentioned recipes.

Recipe 1:Baking Soda Solution

Add 4 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 gallon of water and mix properly. Apply it to the plant. But don’t directly pour this into the root zone. Apply to keep a little distance from the root zone so that the root zone is not directly attacked.

Recipe 2: Neem oil recipe 

In this case, you have to add one tablespoon of concentrated neem oil, two tablespoons of liquid soap, and ¼ tablespoon of aloe vera powder to 1 gallon of water and mix them well. Spray it on the plant as I explained in the case of baking soda solution. 

Recipe 3: Essential oil solution 

Add a few drops of essential oil or vinegar to 1 gallon of water and spray it in the same procedure.

7. Diseases

I want to end the list of problems with diseases related to Pieris flaming silver plants. My plant was attacked with the following diseases-

  • Leaf spot
  • Canker
  • Rust
  • Leaf blight 


When plants are injured by insect attacks or any kind of wounds, microorganisms like fungi, bacteria, nematodes and viruses attack the plant and cause diseases.

Control Measure

First, remove the affected parts of the leaves. Then, you can use fungicides,  bactericides, or homemade organic remedies. (Our pick: Monterey LG 6145 70% Neem Oil Ready-To-Spray Insecticide, Miticide, & Fungicide)I have included the techniques for making organic substances in the pest section. You can try it if you find it useful.

How To Revive a Pieris Flaming Silver Plant?

Maintaining Cloud Pruning For Pieris Japonica

Rejuvenation pruning

Pruning means the removal of unnecessary or injured parts of the plant. Rejuvenation pruning means cutting almost half of the plant to make it survive. 

You can continue pruning one-third or half of the plant according to your plant problem. This enhances the new growth and makes the plant strong and vigorous again. You may lose the blooming of that year because of it. But next year flowers will come to those branches.

Maintaining Microclimate

It is the most important issue to take care of your plant properly along with pruning. Pruning will initiate new growth of the plant. This growth will be highest if you can manage the environment too.

At that time, you should maintain the humidity, temperature, sunlight, water, soil condition and climatic conditions properly so that that plant cannot be affected by anything again and can grow smoothly. 

How To Save Pieris Flaming Silver Plant?

Best Place For Planting

To avoid such Pieris flaming silver plant problems, you can take some precautionary activities from the first stage of the planting. Try to select the appropriate soil which is acidic and full of nutrients. 

Plant carefully and keep the proper spacing between each plant. You may also choose big-sized pots for planting these shrubs as they are more comfortable in these places.

Cutting Back

Cutting back means the removal of extra large foliage. When the foliage gets excessive growth, you can cut some portions of the extra leaves. This will facilitate your plant in three ways-

  • Tender leaves will come out easily.
  • If any disease or insect attack occurs at the top of that stem, it will be destroyed before attacking the whole plant.
  • The plant will get a beautiful shape.


Deadheading indicates the cutting of spent or dead flowers. Such practice increases the percentage of blooming. Though it is a practice related to flowering, it will help the plant to survive more with cutting schedules.

Caring Guides for Pieris Flaming Silver

SoilSandy loam and acidic soil
ClimateA warm and humid climate
Temperature 65-75°F
Sunlight Bright direct sunlight with partial shading for some hours
WateringOnce a week
Humidity At least 70%


Is shedding mandatory for Pieris flaming silver plants?

Yes. Partial shading is needed for their foliage. They can also grow in shading for several hours. But that discourages the flowering procedure. That’s why you should provide moderate shedding for a couple of hours.

What type of plant is the Pieris flaming silver plant?

It is an evergreen shrub. At the same time, you can also call it a tropical perennial plant. As it has its origin in Asia, the climatic condition of Asian countries is more suitable for them. 

How long can a Pieris flaming silver plant grow?

A Pieris flaming silver plant can grow almost 5 feet if it gets stress-free conditions. Due to various problems, the height range can vary. But in favorable conditions, it can gain a height of almost 5 feet.

Final Thoughts

Well, I have to finish here as I have enlisted almost all the common problems that I experienced in the Pieris flaming silver plants of mine and my friends. All the precautions and control measures that I included here were experienced by me.

I like to notice the different changes in my plants and note them down carefully. Along with that, I also try different remedies for my plants to identify the best ones and apply them to my plant the next year. 

Thus, I have gained experience with this Pieris flaming silver problem and shared it with you. Now, it is completely your decision whether you will apply it to your plant or not. If you think it works, then you can apply it and get a healthy and lovely plant.

James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg

James Rivenburg is the founder of plantandpest.com, a passionate gardener with valuable experience and knowledge gained through trial and error. The website has a large community of followers who trust his tips and techniques and have succeeded with his advice. He is always Committed to helping others create a beautiful and healthy garden.

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