7 Reasons Why Sapodilla Not Fruiting – Treatment Guide

Sapodilla surely has a great fruit value with a higher profit margin and is best grown in areas with warmer latitudes. Surely, you have grown your sapodilla tree with care, and now that you waiting for its delicious fruit when it is time you realize your Sapodilla is not fruiting

Yes, we understand, that is saddening since growing a sapodilla tree is not that easy. You do not deserve this after waiting this long patiently.

However, this is a common sapodilla problem that most sapodilla plant owners face. There could be several reasons for that including lack of pollinating insects, environmental issues, lack of nutrients, attack of several pests and diseases, and others.  

Moreover, there can be other fruiting problems of sapodilla like falling of baby sapodillas or falling of flowers, and all. These problems are interrelated to each other.

Thus, to know more about the problems and their solutions, keep up with us till the end. We will help you with every possible information that will make your sapodilla tree grow mature fruits.


Fixing Guide

Lack of pollinating insectsApply artificial pollination
Temperature and humidity26 to 28 degrees Celsius and 80% humidity
Nutrient deficiencybalanced fertilizer
Poor soilAmend soil with organic matter
Watering2/3 times a week
Pests and diseasesApply fungicides and pesticides
Root boundReplace the plant in the larger container

Why is My Sapodilla Not Fruiting-Solution

Sapodilla Fruiting problem

1. Lack of Pollinating Insects

This is the main and possible reason why the sapodilla aka chico fruit plant is not offering your fruit. You might find the tree offering flowers each year but unfortunately, they are not turning into any fruit.

It is simply because without pollination there is no chance that the flowers will set fruit. Nonetheless, it is known that pollination occurs through insects and honeybees. They collect pollen from the male flowers and later when they sit on a female flower, the flower receives the pollen.

Thus, pollination occurs and gradually, the female flower turns into a fruit. But unfortunately, if the area where your sapodilla tree is planted lacks these pollinating insects then pollination would not occur.

Moreover, pollination may not occur for many other reasons. For example, if you spread pesticides or insecticides near the sapodilla tree or on the tree during its flowering season then definitely insects are not going to come.   

Consequently, pollination is never going to take place. Then again, many times the pollen of the male flowers go wasted since male flowers tend to mature faster than female ones. So, the female flowers are left unpollinated.

Again, weather is also responsible to some extent for not allowing the flowers to pollinate. Sapodilla prefers warm, sunny, and obviously frost-free weather. But if your area becomes fogged every other day then surely it will stop the shuttling of pollinating insects.   

Nonetheless, since the sapodilla tree gets quite longer and spreads wide when gets mature hand-pollination also becomes tough. Therefore, gardeners have to obtain other measures that are given below.

Control Measure

  • Do not apply any insecticides during the flowering season of the sapodilla tree. Also, avoid spraying the chemical on the surrounding environment as well.
  • To make effective pollination and attract the pollinating insects you can put small pieces of fruits near the sapodilla tree. You can put any fruits or even peels of apple and banana. These will attract the beetles and insects that can cause pollination in flowers.
  • You can also adopt an artificial supplementary pollination project to obtain the fruiting of the sapodilla or sapota tree.
  • Professionals adopt artificial point teaching methods for pollination. Though the method is quite expensive and also, time-consuming.
  • Moreover, many apply the powder spraying method for pollination purposes. It is an easy method and ideal for the larger area of the sapodilla garden.
  • Nonetheless, if you are achieving an artificial pollination method, try to execute it in the morning. It will offer you the best result.

2. Temperature and Humidity

We have mentioned earlier that sapodilla is a summer-loving or tropical fruit tree. Hence, the tree requires high temperatures for thriving. Generally, temperatures between 26 to 28 degrees Fahrenheit are considered suitable for the plant.

Both arid and humid environments are great for sapodilla plants. But unfortunately, if the temperature of the environment is too high then it will affect the fruiting stage of the sapodilla.

Again, the term ‘humidity’ comes along with the temperature. Too low humidity is also a reason for sapodilla not bearing any fruit.

In fact, too low humidity and too high temperatures start affecting the tree when it blooms. In higher temperatures, the blooms of the sapodilla tree get dry and consequently, drop.

Hence, fruiting becomes impossible. Nonetheless, once the temperature rises above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, you will see how the flowers ruin visibly not allowing them to set fruit.

Again, temperatures more than even 30 degrees Fahrenheit can already kill the young sapodilla plant. Therefore, it is important to take care of the plant from the very beginning of its planting.

Moreover, the saplings of the sapodilla tree are very sensitive to abrupt temperature changes. It causes several problems to the plant including drying of twigs, dropping of flowers and fruits, and others. Even it can cause them death.

Control Measure

  • Plant sapodilla trees only when you belong to tropical regions. These regions are suitable for the healthy growth of sapodilla trees along with high sugar content and better taste. Moreover, the sapodilla fruits in such regions also offer higher economic benefits.
  • If you initially plant the tree in a pot then move the potted sapodilla plant where the burning sunlight cannot reach directly.
  • Let the plant have the morning sunlight. It is beneficial. The sunlight after that, however, is burning.
  • Ensure the environment where you are going to plant the tree will never reach a temperature of minus 5 degrees Celsius.

3. Lack of Nutrients

How should we put this? Well, let’s just agree to the fact that without proper nutrients, none of your fruit trees is going to bear fruit. It is not exceptional for your sapodilla or chico fruit tree as well.

Moreover, few nutrients are considered highly essential for sapodilla trees to set fruits in them. Without these specific nutrients, the formation of fruit is almost impossible.

These elements are specifically Molybdenum, Boron, Copper, Iron, and others. Lack of these nutrients also causes the dropping of flowers.

Furthermore, immature fruit formation is also the result of nutrient lacking especially if the plant is grown in a pot or container. It is because potted plants cannot reach the deepest ground to search for their essential nutrients.

However, if the tree is planted in a garden or orchard then it can search for the nutrients it requires around the soil. In this case, the soil has to be rich in nutrients.

Thus, you can see that lack of nutrients refers to poor soil conditions. So, to come up with solutions gardeners use fertilizers.

Control Measure

  • If you are applying a fertilizer then make sure it contains all the essential nutrients a sapodilla tree might require to bear fruits.
  • Apply the best fertilizer that offers B, Mo, Cu, Fe, and other nutrients in an easily accessible form. (our pick: Jobe’s Organics Fruit & Nut Granular Fertilizer)
  • Apply at least 8% nitrogen and potash, and 4% phosphoric acid to the young sapodilla plants every two or three months.
  • Gradually with the maturation of the tree, increase the amount of fertilizer to 113 gm and 453 gm respectively.
  • Moreover, ensure a plant food that will confirm higher absorption of nitrogen elements and other macro and microelements.
  • Try to apply fertilizer when irrigation is also performed.
  • To get the best result, the ideal time for applying fertilizer is winter. Do not feed the soil during the rainy season. The rainwater will wash away the fertilizer.
  • Again, look for the best boosters that will stop the dropping of flowers and premature fruits.

4. Poor Soil

Poor soil does not contain enough macro and micro-nutrients and therefore, affects the flower and fruit production of sapodilla.

Nonetheless, it is true that sapodilla is not very picky about the soil. In fact, the fruit tree can adapt to almost any type of soil. It is also tolerant to soil salinity. But it cannot bear poor soil with lower nutrient content. 

Therefore, soil also plays a very important role from the thriving of the plant to its blooming and later fruiting. Again, fruit quality largely depends on soil fertility.

Control Measure

  • Make the soil fertile and rich in nutrient content before planting the sapodilla tree. However, the best type of soil for farming sapodilla is sandy loam, alluvial, or black type of soil.
  • Make sure the soil has effective drainage capabilities and its pH should range between 6 to 8.
  • Do not cultivate sapodilla in the soil where it contains a higher amount of calcium.
  • Moreover, shallow clayey soil is not perfect for sapodilla trees as well.
  • The soil also should have high permeability.
  • Again, apply organic compost and green manure to amend the soil before planting the tree.
  • Take the best fresh soil for planting sapodilla saplings in a pot.

5. Watering

Luckily, sapodillas are resistant to drought. But it cannot survive in drought conditions for so long. Hence water is required for flowering and fruiting.

Moreover, sapodillas are evergreen. Each year they come with two periods of flowering and fruiting. The properties indicate that sapodilla can offer a higher growth rate with a higher yield.

And that is exactly why the fruit tree needs a great deal of water. To have a balanced and expected fruit ratio it is important to water the tree on a regular basis.

Otherwise, a lack of sapodilla can cause flowers and fruit to drop. Then again, excessive water will reduce fruit production. Hence, offering the right amount of water is highly recommended.

Control Measure

  • Water the sapodilla young plant at least 2/3 times a week for drought protection.
  • If it is raining continuously then stop watering. Constant wet weather affects the plant adversely.
  • Again, ensure a proper irrigation system.

6. Pests and Diseases

Sapodillas are resistant to pests and diseases. However, if the environment is susceptible then they can also be attacked.

Pest and disease attacks can stunt the growth of the entire sapodilla plant. Some of the pests and diseases of this tree are leaf spots, Fascination, and sooty mold.

Causing wilting of the leaf most of these diseases result in the dropping of leaves, flowers, and fruits.

Control Measure

  • Destroy and burn away the infested plant parts.
  • Apply the best pesticide for sapodilla before its flowering stage.
  • To treat sooty mold or other fungal diseases, the application of fungicide is required.

Our recommendation-Monterey LG 6145 70% Neem Oil Ready-To-Spray Insecticide, Miticide, & Fungicide

7. Root Bound

Propagate Sapodilla Tree For Growing Fast

It can also be a reason why your sapodilla is not fruiting. It mainly occurs in potted plants. When the tree matures, the roots also get elongated and due to the small container root bound occurs.

Hence, due to the undeveloped root, the sapodilla tree fails to set fruits in it.

Control Measure

  • Replace the plant with a larger container at a certain stage of the plant.
  • Wherever you are planting the sapodilla make sure the roots are not interrupted while spreading.


How long does it take for sapodilla to fruit?

Since the flowers turn into fruit thus, they take about 6 months to become mature. However, the tree itself has to be matured first to bear fruits. The young sapodilla tree hardly bears fruits.

How do I get my sapodilla to bear fruit?

Take care of the environment first. The humidity should not be less than 70%. Again, take care of the tree on a regular basis.

When should sapota trees be pruned?

To continue the vegetation growth of the evergreen sapota of the sapodilla tree, pruning is important. It improves quality and productivity. When the dried stem brunches show up, and sunlight cannot reach the interior canopy, it is the best time to perform pruning.

Final Words

Finally, you know why your sapodilla is not fruiting and can overcome the situation by adopting the control measures we have provided.

Your fruit tree is bound to set fruit if you take care of it properly. hence, if our article was helpful enough for you then let us know through your feedback.

James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg

James Rivenburg is the founder of plantandpest.com, a passionate gardener with valuable experience and knowledge gained through trial and error. The website has a large community of followers who trust his tips and techniques and have succeeded with his advice. He is always Committed to helping others create a beautiful and healthy garden.

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