Tradescantia Nanouk Brown Spots – Learn How to Fix it Easily

Brown spots on Tradescantia Nanouk can be caused by a variety of factors, including overwatering, insect attack, disease infestation, low humidity, exceeding sunlight and underwatering. If left untreated, brown spots can spread and cause significant damage to the plant.

Though tradescantia nanouk is relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of indoor environments, it is susceptible to certain issues that can affect its health and appearance, including brown spots.

If you are also bothered with your tradescantia nanouk brown spot problems, you can go through the solutions as I discussed later. Here is a short table that highlights the main issues and the ways to solve them.



OverwateringStop watering much to your plant much and try repotting in severe cases
Insect attack Prune the affected parts; Use insecticides or homemade recipes 
Disease infestation Use fungicides or organic solutions; remove the affected parts
Exceeding sunlightAllow bright but indirect sunlight on your plant 
Low humidity Maintain the humidity level around 60%
UnderwateringWater regularly to your plant when it gets dry

6 Causes That Create Tradescantia Nanouk Brown Spots With Easy Remedies

1. Overwatering

If you see brown spots on your tradescantia nanouk leaves, the first reason that you can mark them is overwatering. As a drought-resistant houseplant, nanouk doesn’t need too much water. 

Consequently, when you pour more water into it, it starts to wilt as the extra water damages the root zone. Different types of fungi and bacteria affect the root badly. On the other hand, the stagnant water refuses to create a healthy condition in the root area.

Now, think, if your food source is unavailable, how can you remain healthy? In the same way, the plants also can’t continue their metabolic activities properly. Hence, this condition is expressed by brown spots in the leaves and sometimes in the stems.

Control Measures

First, stop watering your plant. Keep them in a relatively dry place so that the water can be soaked by the soil. If the soil becomes too soggy and improper for plant activities, simply change the pot. 

For this purpose, uproot the plant from the existing pot. Then, prepare a soil medium with soil, perlite, coco-peat and sphagnum moss. Then, plant the sapling there. Gradually, the plant will be adapted to the new place and will become problem-free.

2. Insect Attack

Next, I am going to describe one of the most notorious issues for black spots, which is insect attacks. Insects like aphids, mealybugs, scales and mites are like enemies of this plant. 

They suck the cell sap from leaves and sometimes feed the leaves and causing injuries in the plant. As a result, the nutrient system gets disturbed and the plant becomes weak and shows black spot symptoms. 

Control Measures

The primary solution to insect attack is to collect the egg masses that are found on the upper side of the leaves. You can do pruning or use a heavy stream of water to complete this procedure. 

Pruning is mainly the process of cutting the infested parts of the plant. But, this will be effective only when the infestation is at the preliminary phase. Besides, you can use a soft cloth or cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to wipe off any visible insects on the plant’s leaves and stems.

If the insects become large in number and spread in all of the parts of the plants, you have to search for other options like insecticides. Insecticides can be industrial or homemade. If insecticides are available to you, you can spray them on the plant as labeled in the bottle.

Else, if they are not available to you, you can also try some homemade organic insecticides. Here I have included some common homemade recipes for you:

  • Neem oil solution

Dilute 2 tablespoons of concentrated neem oil, ¼ tablespoons of aloe vera powder and a few drops of liquid soap in 1 gallon of water and spray the solution on the plant’s leaves and stems.

  • Baking soda solution

Take 4 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 gallon of water and spray it into the infested areas after diluting properly.

  • Insecticidal soap

Insecticidal soap is another natural solution that can be used to control pests on your tradescantia nanouk plant. Mix the soap with water according to the instructions and spray it on the plant. The soap will suffocate the insects and prevent them from reproducing.

  • Garlic spray

Crush a few garlic cloves and mix them with water. Let the mixture sit overnight and strain it. Spray the garlic solution on the plant’s leaves and stems.

  • Essential Oils

Essential oils such as peppermint, clove, and eucalyptus can repel pests. Dilute a few drops of essential oil with water and spray the solution on the plant. 

3. Disease Infestation

The disease is another main issue that can cause brown spots on the nanouk plant. When insects create injury in the plant or any mechanical injury happens, the pathogens enter through that space.

Pathogens like fungi and bacteria reach there and initiate reproduction which gradually creates a large population that causes harm to the plant. Thus, it becomes affected by diseases and creates brown spots.

Control Measures

As a remedy for disease infestations, first, move the affected plant away from other plants to prevent the insects from spreading. At the same time, prune the infected parts so that the microorganisms cannot spread. Be sure to use clean, sharp pruning shears and disinfect them before and after use.

On the other hand, you can also use industrial fungicides or bactericides. Use them in the way mentioned in the bottle. Otherwise, it may cause problems for you as it is poisonous. Else, you can spray homemade solutions as I explained in the insect attack section.

If you are still having problems with the disease, consider consulting with a professional plant specialist or horticulturist for guidance on treatment. Thus, you can keep your plant disease-free.

4. Exceeding Sunlight

Further, too much sunlight also creates brown spots on the plant. Just think about yourself. Isn’t it too cumbersome for you when you go outside in scorching sunlight? In the same way, this plant also can’t tolerate this type of sunlight. Such direct sunlight makes them pale and creates spots.

Control Measures

Tradescantia Nanouk plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight. They can tolerate some direct sunlight in the morning or evening, but direct sunlight during the hottest parts of the day can burn the leaves. If your Nanouk plant is placed in a south-facing window, it may require some shading during the brightest hours of the day.

In general, a bright location with filtered sunlight or partial shade is ideal for these plants. They can also grow well under fluorescent lights, making them a great option for indoor spaces with limited natural light.

5. Low Humidity

After that, let me tell you something about the low humidity. Tradescantia nanouk plant is not comfortable in humidity levels less than 60%. Moreover, humidity near 20-30% causes tremendous loss to it. As a result, the plant becomes stressed and the brown spots emerge.

Control Measures

Consider placing a humidifier (Our pick) near your plant. You can also try a different point which is grouping your nanouk plant with other humidity-loving plants. Besides, you may try misting the leaves with water to help increase moisture in the air around the plant.

6. Underwatering

The final cause is underwatering. Tradescantia Nanouk is a plant that needs to be watered moderately. It is important to allow the top layer of soil to dry out between watering sessions to prevent overwatering, which can lead to root rot.

But, you should not let the soil be so dry that it creates a physiological disaster for the plant. The cell sap becomes dry in such a drought. Besides, nutrient consumption also gets threatened in such dry conditions.

Control Measures

As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended to water Tradescantia Nanouk once a week, but the frequency of watering will depend on factors such as the temperature and humidity of the environment, the size of the pot, and the amount of light the plant is receiving.

To determine when your plant needs watering, you can check the moisture level of the soil by sticking your finger about an inch deep into the soil. If the soil feels dry, it’s time to water the plant. If the soil feels moist, it’s best to wait a few more days before watering again.

Caring Tips For Tradescantia Nanouk Plant

SoilSandy loam and neutral pH
Temperature 55-75°F
Sunlight Bright and indirect
Humidity Around 60%
WateringOnce a week according to the weather and season


Q: Can I propagate my Tradescantia Nanouk plant?

Ans: Yes, you can easily propagate your tradescantia nanouk plant through stem cuttings. Simply cut a section of stem with at least one node, place it in water or a moist soil medium and provide proper elements for your plant growth.

Q: Can a tradescantia nanouk plant revive from brown spots?

Ans: Yeah! If you are able to provide all the necessary elements as the requirement, your plant will certainly revive from the brown spots that destroy its beauty.

Q: Are brown spots on my Tradescantia Nanouk harmful to my health?

Ans: No, brown spots on your Tradescantia Nanouk are not harmful to your health. However, if the cause of the brown spots is a fungal infection, it’s important to handle the plant carefully and wash your hands after touching it to avoid spreading the infection to other plants.

Final Thoughts

Gradually, I have reached the time to take goodbye to you as I have included the matters that I experienced and wanted you to know. You can pick any of the solutions if they match your plant problem and you feel the solution will be helpful for you. 

In general, keeping your tradescantia nanouk healthy and happy is the best ay to prevent brown spots and other issues. Make sure that your plant is getting the right amount of light, water, and nutrients, and keep an eye out for any signs of stress or damage.

But, remember to be patient and persistent in your efforts to get rid of tradescantia nanouk brown spots. With the right care and treatment, your plant will recover and thrive. But using excess materials for early recovery will go in vain. With proper care, your Tradescantia Nanouk should thrive and continue to be a beautiful addition to your home or office.

James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg

James Rivenburg is the founder of, a passionate gardener with valuable experience and knowledge gained through trial and error. The website has a large community of followers who trust his tips and techniques and have succeeded with his advice. He is always Committed to helping others create a beautiful and healthy garden.

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