3 Reasons For Wandering Jew Leaves Curling [Fixing Guide]

Wandering Jew plants ( also known as inch plants) are very attractive with their vibrant foliage and fast-growing nature. And most importantly they are very hardy, low maintenance, and easy to deal with. So, without a doubt, it has all the features to attract plant lovers no matter if they are a beginner or a pro.

Whether as a bushy plant or a creeper over a trellis or as a hanging planter, you can style them in any way you like. But the burning question is, how would they look if their leaves are all curled up?

Curling is not that common in wandering Jews. So, if you are facing this problem you have to be very quick and precise in taking action. Too much light intensity, Improper soil condition, and watering problems are the 3 reasons that are behind curling, drooping, and browning of the inch plants. 

In this article, we are going to talk about all the reasons for the curling of wandering jew leaves in a detailed manner. Keep reading to find out how to fix this problem and prevent it from happening in the future.

So let’s get down to business-

Before starting the main article here is the list of causes with their solution at a glance–

High light intensityRelocate them away from direct sunlight
Improper soil conditionsUse a well-drained potting mixture and maintain a good drainage system in the pot
Incorrect watering Keep the soil sufficiently moist but not waterlogged

Why Are My Wandering Jew Leaves Curling?

purple Wandering jew leaves curling

1. High light Intensity

Wandering jew plants need full and bright sun for their growth and survival. But the thing is, the light has to be indirect. They don’t do much well in direct sunlight. But if the light is bright, filtered and indirect the inch plants thrive and produce plenty of flowers with healthy foliage.

Direct sunlight can burn the leaves starting from the edges, turn them brown, and eventually curl them. Then again, if you keep your wandering Jews in a too dark place then their bright-colored leaves will fade and lose their beauty.

Control Measure

The simplest solution to this problem is to keep them in a corner of the room that receives bright sunlight during the whole day. However, you have to make sure to place the inch plants away from the windows.

However, if you keep them in too dark places the leaves will also fade and gradually the whole plant will wilt.

2. Improper Soil Condition

If the soil for your wandering jew plants is not suitable then no matter how much you take care of them, they will keep falling sick. If the soil is too muddy then the delicate roots will not be able to grow properly. In addition, this kind of soil will also retain most of the water which will bring more fungal problems.

Eventually, your plant roots will suffocate and start to rot. As a result, the foliage will curl and become droopy. Gradually the whole plant will become very leggy and weak.

Control Measure

Your wandering Jews will grow in almost any kind of soil that is not too heavy and waterlogged. So, if you have observed that the soil is not looking right for your plants then you have to change it.

If the plant is suffering from root rot then you won’t be able to just tell from the outside. In this case, you have to see the roots.

So, carefully remove the plant from the old pot and cut off the roots that look gray and slimy with a bad odor. Then treat the roots with a good fungicide that is suitable for houseplants. (our pick: Bonide 775 Copper Fungicide).

And it’s very important to follow the instructions of the fungicide package since you are treating the roots directly. This is because the wrong dosages can be fatal to the roots and even can end up killing your wandering jew plant.

After treating them you have to shift it to a new one with enough drainage pores. Don’t forget to use a fresh and good houseplant potting soil mixture (our pick: Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix)

You can also make your own soil mixture in the following way-

Take equal parts of –

  • Perlite 
  • Peat soil and,
  • Garden soil

And lastly, mix with them a handful of organic compost, and your soil mixture is ready.

Here you can try out some homemade fungicide recipes with ingredients that are always available at hand. These are very effective in controlling and curing root rots and other fungal problems. 

#Recipe 1:- Vinegar Spray Fungicide Recipe


  • ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar 
  • 500 ml of water
  • ½ teaspoon of liquid dish soap


  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and pour the solution into a bowl
  • Dip the roots in the solution for a minute and plant them back into the pot

# Recipe 2:- Epsom Salt Spray Recipe


  • 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt 
  • 500 of water


  • Mix both ingredients and pour the mixture into a bowl
  • Dip the inch plant roots in it for a minute and then wash it in running water 
  • Plant them in a pot with fresh soil 
  • Do not store the leftover solution

Note: Use these solutions in the diluted form if your plants are very young. And if you wish to treat any other fungal disease in leaves and stems then use the same solution as a foliar spray.  In this case, use it on a small leaf area first. If the leaf gets burned or distorted then dilute further by adding some water.

Preventive Measure

If your wandering jew plants are healthy and fit then they won’t be susceptible to fungal problems very easily. So, you have to feed them from time to time with a good water-soluble houseplant fertilizer once a month (our pick: Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food)

Before applying any fertilizer, read the instructions very carefully and follow every step mentioned there. Since the wandering Jews are creeping shrubs, it’s best to dilute the fertilizer strength to 50%. This will help you to avoid any kind of fertilizer burn on the leaves and roots.

3. Incorrect Watering

One of the most common issues for curling the wandering jew plant is underwatering. In addition, the leaves become very droopy and the edges start to turn brown.

They might survive a few days but the wandering jew plants cannot live in the water forever. Actually, they are most happy when they are neither in too wet nor too dry conditions.

However, they might survive somehow in wet soil but they cannot tolerate it if it is too dry. But if you end up watering it too much the leaves can become yellow and lumpy. And the bright color of the leaves can also start to fade as well.

Control Measure

You have to make sure that the soil stays moist. In this case, you can get help from a moisture meter (Our pick: SONKIR Soil pH Meter, MS02 3-in-1 Soil Moisture/Light/pH Tester). It will help you understand if your potted-inch plants need water.

Now you might be wondering how much and how often to water them. Well, this will depend on the size of your plant as well as the size of your pot.

Whenever the soil feels dry, soak the top 1 inch of the soil with a moderate amount of water. But don’t forget to make sure that the extra water runs through the hole of the pot quickly.

Take some extra indoor care of your inch plants and don’t let them stay very dry during the winter. Sometimes you can mist them in the morning.

However, make sure you water them less than usual during the winter. Because during this time the inch plants stop growing and this is why they need less water than usual. 

How To Pinch The Wandering Jew Plants

Wandering jew plants pinching

Pinching is very important to prevent the inch plants from becoming leggy. But if you pinch them haphazardly and even at the wrong time of the year, your plants can be harshly damaged beyond repair

Now let’s see how we can pinch them properly–

  • Firstly, you have to observe whether the plant needs any pinching or not.
  • Pinch only when the plant starts to become very bushy.
  • The best time for pinching is during the spring and summer seasons when the plant growth is vigorous. In this time the wandering Jews are able to compensate for the loss by growing fresh and new leaves.
  • You can prune up to a ¼ the part of the plant at a time but not more than that. If you do this then your plant will slow down on growing the creeping tendrils.
  • Lower parts of the inch plants tend to become bushier. So, whenever you prune them, start pruning at the base so that the lower leaves can get enough air circulation and sunlight exposure.
  • When you pinch them make sure to cut off all the leggy and diseased portions. 
  • The best part is you can use any healthy parts as a cutting to regenerate a new wandering jew. In this case, take the cutting and bury the cut end into a fresh pot of soil. And that’s it, your work is done!

How To Care For The Wandering Jew Plants

LightBright but indirect sunlight
Water  Water once or twice a week soaking 1 inch deep in the soil
Temperature50-80°F (10 – 27° C)
HumidityAbout 70%
Soil Slightly moist
FertilizerFertilize with water-soluble houseplant fertilizer once a month in half strength 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why are my wandering Jew leaves drying out?

If the leaves are dry and brown then this is because of underwatering. Check if the soil is dry with the help of your fingers. And water according to the dryness of the soil to give a complete soaking.

can wandering Jews live in water forever?

No, wandering jew plants cannot live in the water forever. While they may survive for a period of time in the water, they ultimately need soil and nutrients to thrive in the long term. Growing wandering jew in water can lead to weaker roots that are less efficient at absorbing nutrients and water, which can stunt growth and eventually cause the plant to die.

How should I grow a wandering jew plant?

It is best to plant a wandering jew plant in a well-draining soil mixture and ensure that it is regularly watered and fertilized to provide the plant with the necessary nutrients and support for it to grow and thrive.

Is Wandering Jew an indoor or outdoor plant?

Wandering Jews are tropical creepers. It can be kept as both an indoor and outdoor plant. However, they are most popular as indoor planters but if you want to grow them outside you need to protect them from direct sunlight.

Is The Wandering Jew Plant Poisonous or Toxic?

They are toxic to pets mostly, nothing fatal though. It contains a sap that causes irritation to humans. But the pets can get itchiness on the skin, lose a lot of furs, and have some other secondary infections.


When your wandering jew leaves curling don’t just hold back.  Because curling is a sign of plant distress and you need to help out your plant as much as possible.

Make sure you provide them with enough water and indirect sunlight. Fertilize them on a regular basis to keep them strong and healthy. And don’t forget to treat them with the best fungicide from time to time.

In this article, I have tried to provide all the necessary information about the curling of wandering jew leaves. I hope this article helped you fix them without causing any trouble.

Happy Gardening.

James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg

James Rivenburg is the founder of plantandpest.com, a passionate gardener with valuable experience and knowledge gained through trial and error. The website has a large community of followers who trust his tips and techniques and have succeeded with his advice. He is always Committed to helping others create a beautiful and healthy garden.

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