Audrey Ficus Brown Leaves Problem – [9 Ways To Improve Situation]

Ficus Audrey plants are famously known for their minimalistic green appearance. As such, when this sweetly intoxicating appearance is affected by brown spots, it’s important to know why the disaster happens and how to fix it.

The Audrey Ficus brown leaves issue originates mainly due to the lack of minerals in the fertilizers. Again, too much heat, i.e. sunlight, can make the leaves brownish, just as much as no heat at all. Lack of water can also drain the color from the Audrey Ficus plant leaves & make them seem malnourished.

Today, we’re going to attempt to clear all the confusion regarding the Audrey Ficus brown leaves issue. Let’s find out why these pretty plants suffer through these issues and what you can do to revive their original greenish beauty.

9 Ways To Improve The Audrey Ficus Brown Leaves Issue

Have you been noticing one too many brown leaves in your newly bought Audrey Ficus plant? Well, here’s an overview of all the possible reasons behind these occurrences and potential guidelines on how to improve the situation –

Brown Leaf Problems In Audrey Ficus Trees Possible Reasons  Solutions To Try Out
1. Leaves are too scaly and rough Lack of water and in return, adequate transpiration  Fix the watering schedule and use fresh water
2. Leaves are too brown and fragile Overdue rotten leaves and potential overfeeding  Use an appropriate amount of fertilizer and refrain from overwatering 
3. Leaves lose color gradually before turning brown completely  An increased amount of magnesium or phosphorus Use organic fertilizers and make sure to keep the NPK ratio 1:1:1
4. Leaves look pale yellow instead of green and then eventually get brown Audrey Ficus leaves tend to become yellowish brown as they reach peak maturity  No significant solutions. The cycle of life and death is unavoidable. 
5. Shriveled & brown leaves  Leaves curl up if they’re near an activated heat source or in the scorching sun for long enough  Keep your Audrey Ficus plants away from active fireplaces or heat stoves
6. Damp and brown leaves The air around the plant is likely over-saturated or way too humid Stop over-watering the plants or leaving them in a humid place for too long
7. Leaves aren’t perky and slowly turning brown Lack of sufficient sunlight  Keep the pots in such a place where the leaves can get ample sunlight
8. Leaves have brown spots Possible fungal growth or bacterial infestation Spray insecticides to prevent attacks from pests 
9. Leaves look brown but healthy as well Possible mutation or variegation in the plant itself Healthy and variegated brownish leaves don’t harm the mother species

Why Do Audrey Ficus Brown Spots Develop?

Audrey Ficus Brown Leaves

Audrey Ficus plants may develop brown spots due to several reasons, including overhydration, excessive humidity, unbalanced temperature levels, etc. Upon reviewing the issues thoroughly, you’ll find that a little maintenance and attention is all it takes to prevent the spots.

Let’s find out some of the common reasons for brown spots in Audrey Ficus plants and the consequential countermeasures –

1. Overwatering

Have you been watering your Audrey Ficus plants a little too often? Because overhydration is extremely harmful to household plants like these, even more than the absence of water. It’s the same principle as using too much salt in a curry.

If you don’t have enough salt, to begin with, you can always add more later while serving the curry. But if you overload the curry with salt while the cooking process itself, you cannot easily reverse the taste, can you?

Similarly, it’s easier to make up for the damage by irregular watering for a few days. But if you flood the roots and the stems of Audrey Ficus plants with water simultaneously, they will start to rot from the inside within a couple of days.

And when that starts to happen, leaves will slowly lose their usual lusciously gorgeous green hue & turn brownish instead. Once the core itself is rotten, the entire tree alongside the leaves will die & you won’t get a chance to reverse it either.

  • What To Do?

We can’t stress this enough but create a watering schedule for all your plants separately! Don’t treat all the plants in the house in the same way, and don’t just decide to wing everything. Different plants have different requirements. Hence, try your best to adhere to the proper growth charts.

Audrey Ficus plants need a moderate amount of water to survive the tropical seasons. Depending on the size of the pot, keep pouring proportionately until the top layer of soil visibly soaks in all of the water. Pour a little bit more if the plant is kept somewhere with a lot of sunlight and fresh air.

Again, during the rainy season or in the winter, pull back the leash and reduce the amount of water for these plants. Audrey Ficus plants retain a lot of water due to the increased humidity levels during these weather periods. As such, the regular amount will lead to overhydration in these seasons.

2. Loss Of Minerals

Audrey Ficus leaves can turn excessively brown if the production of plastids decreases within the plants. And if the plastid count reduces, it directly affects the overall photosynthesis procedure, i.e. affects the production of food.

Without enough nutrients, the leaves become fragile and dry, resulting in the loss of the lively green color. That’s why it’s important to use organic and balanced fertilizers during the growing and pruning seasons to prevent the loss of minerals.

  • What To Do?

Audrey Ficus plants respond exceptionally well to liquid fertilizers such as the OrganicDews Liquid Seaweed Concentrate. Alongside infusing the soil with an adequate amount of minerals and nutrients, this specific fertilizer works to strengthen the roots as well.

Additionally, it works as a natural pest controller by eradicating the possibilities of fungal growth within the soil. Prepare a diluted solution of 1-2L and use it to enrich the soil during the growing seasons, the summer & the spring. 

3. Too Much Heat

Leaves will curl up or even outright burn if you keep them too close to a source of high temperature. Some people keep the indoor Audrey Ficus plants near the fireplaces sometimes.

In such cases, the soot and the direct heat from the fire will cause the leaves to become brown. The leaves will lose their liveliness as well alongside the fresh green color. 

  • What To Do?

Don’t keep the Audrey Ficus pots near fireplaces, stoves, chimneys, or places with too much sunlight. If the sun is scorching hot, arrange for proper shade for the plants.

Avoid spraying liquid fertilizers onto the leaves directly in the presence of sunlight to prevent any unwanted reactions. Spray them at a time when the weather is cold and humid.

Final Verdict

So, what’s the deal with the Audrey Ficus brown leaves issue after all? Is it unavoidably apocalyptic?

Well, now you know in detail that that’s not the case at all. While it’s a common occurrence in Audrey Ficus plants, it’s easily preventable with the help of the right nutrients. 

Just make sure to keep these pretty green plants away from any active source of heat to avoid direct browning. Additionally, keep an eye on the watering schedule so that the plant and leaves don’t dry out from the inside over time.

James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg
James Rivenburg

James Rivenburg is the founder of, a passionate gardener with valuable experience and knowledge gained through trial and error. The website has a large community of followers who trust his tips and techniques and have succeeded with his advice. He is always Committed to helping others create a beautiful and healthy garden.

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